# # $Id$ # # Copyright 2000-2005 The Apache Software Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This file controls various properties which may be set during a build. # # This file is intended to be modified by users to accommodate their own # working practices, or overridden by one of the property files specified # in build.xml. # # Name and version information name=Jakarta ORO project=jakarta-oro version=2.1-dev-1 # Name and version of the project project.name=${project}-${version} top.dir=. year=2000-2005 jakarta-site2.dir=../jakarta-site2 code.src=${top.dir}/src build.src=${top.dir}/src/java build.dest=${top.dir}/classes build.tests=${build.dest}/tests javadoc.destdir=${top.dir}/docs/api final.name=${project}-${version} final.dir=${top.dir}/${final.name} javac.debug=off javac.optimize=on javac.deprecation=off javac.source=1.3 javac.target=1.3 ant.home=. docs.src=${top.dir}/xdocs docs.dest=${top.dir}/docs # jar file names jar.all.name=${project}-${version}.jar jar.core.name=${project}-core-${version}.jar jar.awk.name=${project}-awk-${version}.jar jar.glob.name=${project}-glob-${version}.jar jar.java.name=${project}-java-${version}.jar jar.perl5.name=${project}-perl5-${version}.jar jar.util.name=${project}-util-${version}.jar # # The stuff below is for when we take another pass at cleaning up # build.xml and making the properties more consistent. # # Temporary working directory. Specified on a per user basis #tmp.dir=/tmp/${user.name} tmp.dir=. # Build directory ##build.dir=${tmp.dir}/${project.name}/build #build.dir=${tmp.dir}/build #src.dir=${top.dir}/src #src.java.dir=${src.dir}/java #doc.dir=${top.dir}/docs #doc.java.dir=${doc.dir}/api ##doc.user.dir=${doc.dir}/user ##doc.printer.dir=${doc.dir}/printer # Test results directory #check.dir=${tmp.dir}/${project.name}/check # Build properties #build.debug=off #build.deprecation=off #build.optimize=on #build.bin.dir=${build.dir}/bin #build.lib.dir=${build.dir}/lib #build.src.dir=${build.dir}/src/java #build.data.dir=${build.dir}/conf #build.doc.dir=${build.dir}/docs #build.doc.java.dir=${build.dir}/docs/api # Installation properties #install.dir=./${project.name} #install.bin.dir=${install.dir}/bin #install.lib.dir=${install.dir}/lib #install.src.dir=${install.dir}/src/java #install.data.dir=${install.dir}/conf #install.doc.dir=${install.dir}/docs #install.doc.java.dir=${build.dir}/docs/api # Document constants company.name=The Apache Software Foundation company.id=org.apache copyright.date=2000-2005 copyright.message=Copyright © ${copyright.date} ${company.name}. All Rights Reserved. # Time stamp patterns #timestamp.fullTimeDate.pattern=EEEE, d MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss aa (z) #timestamp.longTimeDate.pattern=EEEE, d MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss aa #timestamp.shortTimeDate.pattern=dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss