Version 1.4 (Stephan Nagy, Jon S. Stevens, People on the ECS mailing list) - A.setFolder() thanks to Dan Diephouse - Fixed bug in GenericElement. The output(OutputStream) method did not take into account the current codeset specified in the properties file. - RegexpFilter() added by Krzysztof Zelazowski - WML Timer() class added by Krzysztof Zelazowski - WML Img() class added by Krzysztof Zelazowski - XHTML support added by Bojan Smojver - Upgraded to Ant 1.2 (JSS) - Website now built with Anakia and Jakarta-Site2 module dependency (JSS) - Moved site to the Jakarta Project Version 1.3.3 (Stephan Nagy, Jon S. Stevens, People on the ECS mailing list) - Fixed bug in Document class that was causing NPE's. - added some methods to make things easier to add attributes - Doctype: updated to allow a visibiity other than PUBLIC Version 1.3.2 (Stephan Nagy, Jon S. Stevens, People on the ECS mailing list) - This version actually has the stuff mentioned in 1.3.1. Due to a screwup on my part, stuff in 1.3.1 was not included properly. Version 1.3.1 (Stephan Nagy, Jon S. Stevens, People on the ECS mailing list) - Moved the Doctype tag up out of the Html directory because of additions by to make it less Html specific - PI tag now implements Printable - Added the Doctype tag to the Document element (John Mcnally, Jon Stevens) Version 1.3 (Stephan Nagy, Jon S. Stevens, People on the ECS mailing list) - Fixed OpenXML requirement issues. Now, we distribute xerces from the project. Updated the classes to take advantage of xerces now. - Re-worked the build system to use the latest version of Ant - Added elements() method to ElementContainer Suggestion by greg barnes - ElementAttributes - Add getAttribute(String) method for fetching attribute values. - CharacterFilter - Made the javadoc match up with reality - NullFilter - added support for a Clear ECS element that doesn't change characters thanks to Kevin Burton - TH - fixed rowspan bug - RTF - added more elements - Added support for WML thanks to Orjan Petersson Version 1.2 (Stephan Nagy, Jon S. Stevens, People on the ECS mailing list) - Fixed bug where we were using a JDK 1.2 method - Fixed bug where elements would come out out of order - Speed/Memory improvement by making initial size of hashtables and vectors smaller - Added some defensive programming in StringElement - Some pretty print fixes - Allow the addition of multiple targets to a PI (process instruction). This allows things like