# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build.properties.sample # # This is an example "build.properties" file, used to customize building the # Cactus Servlet Sample for your local environment. Make any changes you need, # and rename this file to "build.properties" in the same directory that # contains the "build.xml" file. # # $Id$ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WARNING: The relative paths below are relative to the directory where the # build.xml file is located. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mandatory properties # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The location of the Cactus framework jar cactus.framework.jar = ../lib/cactus.jar # The location of the Cactus custom Ant tasks jar cactus.ant.jar = ../lib/cactus-ant.jar # The location of the Servlet API 2.2 jar. Note: This file is not provided # with the Cactus distribution (you'll have to get it). servlet.jar = ../lib/servlet.jar # The location of the AspectJ runtime jar aspectjrt.jar = ../lib/aspectjrt.jar # The location of the log4j jar (optional). Only needed if you want Cactus to # generate logs log4j.jar = ../lib/log4j-1.2rc1.jar # The location of the Commons Httpclient jar commons.httpclient.jar = ../lib/commons-httpclient-20020421.jar # The location of the Junit jar junit.jar = ../lib/junit.jar # The location of the Httpunit jar httpunit.jar = ../lib/httpunit.jar # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optional properties # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The port to use for starting the servers during unit testing. If not # sepcified, it defaults to port 8080. #test.port = 8081 # Servlet engine locations for the tests # Note: If you don't want to run the test on a given servlet engine, just # comment it's home property. For example, if you don't want to run the # tests on the Resin 1.2, comment the "resin.home.12" property. #resin.home.20 = c:/Apps/resin-2.1.0 #resin.home.12 = xxx #tomcat.home.32 = c:/Apps/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.4 #tomcat.home.33 = c:/Apps/jakarta-tomcat-3.3.1 #orion.home.15 = c:/Apps/orion-1.5.4 #weblogic.home.51 = xxx #tomcat.home.40 = c:/Apps/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3 # Note: weblogic.home.61 is the location of BEA Home and NOT the location of # wlserver6.1, inside the bea home directory. #weblogic.home.61 = c:/Apps/bea # Note: Enhydra 3.3.1 does not seem to support BASIC authentication as defined # in the Servlet spec. and thus the tests which involve security are failing. # All other tests work fine. This is a limitation of Enhydra. #enhydra.home.31 = c:/Apps/enhydra3.1.1b1 # Note: There seems to be a bug in Orion 1.4 preventing it to run correctly # the testSendUserData() test. It runs fine in Orion 1.5 though. #orion.home.14 = xxx