For 2006-09-25 the TODO list would consist at least from the following items: - add new BSF engines for BSF 2.4 - create a new BSF 3.0 which complies to JSR-223 (which is part of Java 1.6), some features being - BSF 3.0 will be available as FOSS for earlier version of Java - BSF 3.0 may get an internal adapter for employing the numerous BSF 2.4 engines transparently - ... Rony G. Flatscher, 2006-09-25 ------------------------------ cut here (from 2003) ----------------------------- The following TODO list stems from 2003 and has not been updated anymore and has partially been obsoleted: TODO list for BSF 2.3.0-1: use a discovery mechanism like JAXP in place of break out messages for both runtime and debugging into properties files work out a better procedure for obtaining language jarfiles Maven/Ibiblio and replacement of CVS with Subversion are possibilities improve doc generation and distribution provide/incorporate patches for Jasper 4.0.x, 4.1.x, and 5.x. TODO list for BSF 2.4.0: work on improving BSF global scope, e.g.: public Boolean variableExists() public Object getVariableValue() public void setVariableValue() ... TODO list for BSF 3.0.0: address debug support for multiple languages (JSR-045?) ------------------------------ cut here (from 2003) -----------------------------