Title: Jackrabbit Architecture
* [How Jackrabbit works](how-jackrabbit-works.html)
* [Repository lifecycle](repository-lifecycle.html)
* [Search implementation](search-implementation.html)
* [Index readers](index-readers.html)
* [Concurrency control](concurrency-control.html)
The general architecture of Jackrabbit can be described in three Layers: A
Content Application Layer, an API Layer and a Content Repository
Implementation Layer.
## Content Applications
Content Applications interact through the JSR-170 API with the Content
Repository Implementation. There are numerous applications that are
available for JSR-170 repositories, some of them are very generic (like a
WebDAV server) other applications can be very specific and make use of the
content repository as a store for the information that is used by the
applications. Java Applications can use a JSR-170 content repository as a
replacement for anything from property-files, XML-configuration, certain
portions of relational database functionality to straight file system or
blob-management. Using a content repository allows an application to deal
with an arbitrarily large hierarchical space in a scalable manner
automatically profiting from the repository services such as versioning,
query, transactions or namespaces which make a content repository an ideal
data store for many applications.
A "Generic Content Application" (an application that has no particular
functional focus but just allows for generic introspection and manipulation
of the repository) uses the capabilities of the node types, access control
and other facilities to display a user interface or a network protocol to
the end user, seemingly independent from the content that is stored in the
repository. Examples of such generic applications are "The Content
Explorer", "WebDAV Server" or a "Subversion Server". (Or generic Portal,
CMS or DMS applications).
A "Specialized Content Application" operates under the assumption that
there are certain node types that it operates on, and that it is familiar
at least partially with the data model exposed by defined node types.
Mostly these node types are defined by the application itself and ship with
the application. These applications use a content repository as their
persistence layer as a natural evolution from the use of an RDBMS or a file
system. Examples of "Specialized Content Applications" have a very wide
range from a "DVD Collection Management", to a "Message Board", to
"Workflow and BPM" but also possibly complete next generation "Enterprise
Resource Planning Systems".
## Content Repository API
The Content Repository API Layer is split into two major sections.
* The Content Repository API defined by JSR-170
* A number features of a content repository, that have been removed from
the JSR-170 specification since they are difficult to implement on existing
non-java-based content repositories and administrational Repository tasks
that have also been deliberately excluded from JSR-170
There are only very few (mostly administrational) applications which make
use of the non-JSR-170 APIs provided by Jackrabbit.
The boxes in the architecture chart do not symbolize package names or class
names directly but mostly semantically grouped blocks of functionality.
## Content Repository Implementation
The content Repository Implementation portion of the architecture chart
reflects the major building blocks of the jackrabbit content repository
The size of the blocks symbolizes roughly the amount of code and therefore
the complexity of the individual functional block. Again the functional
blocks do not directly map to package or class names.
There are three scopes in a content repository: A repository scope, a
workspace scope and a session scope.
Every function that is operated against a repository can be attributed to
at least one of these scopes, some functions can operate on more than one
* Repository
* Nodetype
* Version
* NamespaceRegistry
* Workspace
* Query
* Observation
* State
* Xml
* Session
* Path
* HierarchyManager
* QName
* ItemImpl, PropertyImpl, NodeImpl
* ItemId, PropertyId, NodeId
* ItemManager
This is not a complete list but includes some of the most important
component of the content repository implementation.