Jackrabbit Status March 2008

Apache Jackrabbit is a fully conforming implementation of the Content Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170).

The Apache Jackrabbit project is in good shape. We have no board-level issues at this time.


Apache Jackrabbit 1.4 was released in January.

We are considering switching to releasing individual components in a more frequent and fine-grained manner. So far Jackrabbit releases have contained new versions of all Jackrabbit components.

The first component release, jackrabbit-core 1.4.1, was made in February.


Apache Jackrabbit uses or bundles no cryptographic code, so there is no need for export control notifications.

We have identified a minor license violation by an external party bundling Jackrabbit code without meeting all the ALv2 requirements (no NOTICE file, etc.). With help from the legal team, we have notified the party in question and expect the issue to be resolved soon.


The Jackrabbit PMC has voted to invite Esteban Franqueiro to be a Jackrabbit committer and PMC member. We are waiting for the CLA to proceed with the committer account and other administrative bits.

We are planning to have a JCR community gathering event right next to the ApacheCon EU next month in Amsterdam.


The 1.4 release was well received, and with increased usage we've also seen many requests to make the default installation and out-of-the-box experience smoother for new users. We're working on addressing those needs.

The ongoing work towards the JCR 2.0 reference implementation continues, and with major new features and changes entering the codebase we may see some instability of the trunk during the months ahead. On the other hand there's recently been much focus on improving test coverage and more test automation, which should help us maintain stability of the codebase.

Some of our users are not yet ready to upgrade from 1.3 to 1.4, so we are working on the 1.3 maintenance branch to produce a 1.3.4 release with selected bug fixes and improvements from newer releases.


Our web site is now managed using Confluence.

We have had problems with our private Continuum installation in the Jackrabbit zone, and so we are currently migrating our CI builds to the Hudson zone.