{HTMLcomment:hidden}[!Jackrabbit-Download-2.2.5.png|align=right!|Downloads]{HTMLcomment} The Apache Jackrabbit™ content repository is a fully conforming implementation of the Content Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in [JSR 170|http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=170|Java Specification Request 170, JCR 1.0] and [283|http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=283|Java Specification Request 283, JCR 2.0]). A content repository is a hierarchical content store with support for structured and unstructured content, full text search, versioning, transactions, observation, and more. Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the [Apache Software Foundation|http://www.apache.org/]. h2. Apache Jackrabbit News *January 2nd, 2012: Apache Jackrabbit 2.3.6 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.3 is an unstable series of releases cut directly from Jackrabbit trunk, with a focus on new features and other improvements. See the [downloads page|Downloads#v23] for more details. *December 16th, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.3.5 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.3 is an unstable series of releases cut directly from Jackrabbit trunk, with a focus on new features and other improvements. *November 29th, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.3.4 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.3 is an unstable series of releases cut directly from Jackrabbit trunk, with a focus on new features and other improvements. *November 22nd, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.10 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.10 is patch release that contains fixes and improvements over previous 2.2.x releases. See the [downloads page|Downloads#v22] for more details. *November 15th, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.3.3 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.3 is an unstable series of releases cut directly from Jackrabbit trunk, with a focus on new features and other improvements. *November 2nd, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.3.2 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.3 is an unstable series of releases cut directly from Jackrabbit trunk, with a focus on new features and other improvements. *October 3rd, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.3.0 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.3 is an unstable series of releases cut directly from Jackrabbit trunk, with a focus on new features and other improvements. *October 3rd, 2011: End of life of Jackrabbit 1.x* The 1.6.5 patch release marks the end of active maintenance of Jackrabbit 1.x. All users are encouraged to upgrade to the more recent Jackrabbit 2.x versions. *October 3rd, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.9, 2.1.6, 2.0.5 and 1.6.5 released* These patch releases contain fixes and improvements over previous releases. See the [downloads page|Downloads] for more details. *August 23, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.8 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.8 is patch release that contains fixes and improvements over previous 2.2.x releases. *June 7, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.7 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.7 is patch release that contains fixes and improvements over previous 2.2.x releases. *June 7, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.1.5 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.1.5 is patch release that fixes issues reported against previous releases. *March 18, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.5 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.5 is patch release that contains fixes and improvements over previous 2.2.x releases. *February 15, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.4 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.4 is patch release that contains fixes and improvements over previous 2.2.x releases. *January 26, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.2 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.2 is patch release that contains fixes and improvements over previous 2.2.x releases. *January 11, 2011: Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.1 released* Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.1 is patch release that contains fixes and improvements over Jackrabbit 2.2.0. See the [news archive|News archive] for past news.