Title: OCM Version Management Right now, the OCM tools provides basic versioning features: * Check in, check out. * Retrieve version history (first version, last version, the complete history, ...). * Apply labels. Later, we would like to add more advanced versioning support like version compare, replace, revert, ... Each versioned object has to be mapped to a mix:versionable JCR node. It is possible to specify this node type in the xml class descriptor or with an annotation : ## Check in - Check out // Create a new page - first version Page page = new Page(); page.setPath("/page"); page.setTitle("Page Title"); page.addParagraph(new Paragraph("para1")); page.addParagraph(new Paragraph("para2")); ocm.insert(page); ocm.save(); // Update the page object and create a new version page.addParagraph(new Paragraph("para3")); ocm.checkout("/page"); ocm.update(page); ocm.save(); ocm.checkin("/page"); // Update the page object and create a new version page.addParagraph(new Paragraph("para4")); ocm.checkout("/page"); ocm.update(page); ocm.save(); ocm.checkin("/page"); ## Retrieve the version history VersionIterator versionIterator = ocm.getAllVersions("/page"); while (versionIterator.hasNext()) { Version version = (Version) versionIterator.next(); System.out.println("version found : "+ version.getName() + " - " + version.getPath() + " - " + version.getCreated().getTime()); } ## Retrieve version description // Retrieve the first version description Version baseVersion = ocm.getBaseVersion("/page"); System.out.println("Base version : " + baseVersion.getName()); // Retrieve the latest version description Version rootVersion = ocm.getRootVersion("/page"); System.out.println("Root version : " + rootVersion.getName()); ## Retrieve the object state matching to a specific version //Get the object matching to the first version Page page = (Page) ocm.getObject( "/page", "1.0"); ## Using version labels Page page = new Page(); page.setPath("/page"); page.setTitle("Page Title"); page.addParagraph(new Paragraph("para1")); page.addParagraph(new Paragraph("para2")); ocm.insert(page); ocm.save(); // Checkin with some labels page.addParagraph(new Paragraph("para3")); ocm.checkout("/page"); ocm.update(page); ocm.save(); ocm.checkin("/page", new String[] {"A", "B"}); // Checkin with some labels page.addParagraph(new Paragraph("para4")); ocm.checkout("/page"); ocm.update(page); ocm.save(); ocm.checkin("/page", new String[] {"C", "D"}); // Retrieve all labels String[] allLabels = ocm.getAllVersionLabels("/page"); assertTrue("Incorrect number of labels", allLabels.length == 4); // Retrieve labels assigned to the version 1.1 String[] versionLabels = ocm.getVersionLabels("/page", "1.1"); assertTrue("Incorrect number of labels", versionLabels.length == 2); assertTrue("Incorrect label", versionLabels[0] .equals("C") || versionLabels[0].equals("D")); assertTrue("Incorrect label", versionLabels[1] .equals("C") || versionLabels[0].equals("D"));