Title: Jackrabbit Status July 2005 _From the [minutes](http://www.apache.org/foundation/records/minutes/2005/board_minutes_2005_07_28.txt) of the Apache board meeting on July 28th, 2005:_ Jackrabbit has attracted public interest from many different projects, both open source and commercial in nature, and has over 250 people reading the developer list. During the past quarter we added one new committer, Edgar Poce, and cleared the minimum threshold of three independent committers. The big news is that JCR, the Content Repository for Java Technology 1.0 API, has been completed by the JSR 170 expert group and received final approval from the J2SE/EE executive committee at the end of May. We are currently working on restructuring the Jackrabbit project directories in preparation of an eagerly anticipated first release candidate and passing the official TCK, at which point we are hoping to graduate from Incubator to TLP status for the 1.0 release.