Apache Jackrabbit™ is a fully conforming implementation of the Content Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170 and 283). The Apache Jackrabbit project is in good shape. We have no board-level issues at this time. h2. Releases The biggest news this quarter is the release of Jackrabbit 2.2: * Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.0 on December 14th We also made a number of smaller patch releases: * Apache Jackrabbit 2.1.3 on December 7th * Apache Jackrabbit 2.1.2 on October 31st * Apache Jackrabbit 2.0.3 on October 31st * Apache Jackrabbit 1.6.4 on October 12th h2. Legal / Branding We have updated our project branding to match the new branding guidelines except for a few details that still need to be discussed on trademarks@. h2. Community / Development No new committers were added in this quarter, but a few old committers have become active again and we're seeing good levels of activity from other contributors. Day Software, the employer of many Jackrabbit committers, was recently acquired by Adobe. We expect this acquisition to have little impact on their contributions to Jackrabbit. h2. Infrastructure We are currently using a Confluence wiki for managing our project web site, but would like to migrate to an alternative system. The most promising alternatives are the new CMS or an svnpubsub-based site built with Maven.