_From the [minutes|http://www.apache.org/foundation/records/minutes/2006/board_minutes_2006_12_20.txt] of the Apache board meeting on December 20th, 2007:_ Apache Jackrabbit is a fully conforming implementation of the Content Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170). The Apache Jackrabbit project has progressed nicely since the September status report. We have no board-level issues at this time. h2. Releases We have released two versions of Apache Jackrabbit: 1.1 in October and 1.1.1 in December. The 1.2 release is scheduled to happen by the end of the year. h2. Community No new committers have been added since September. One contributor was just elected for committership, but the process is still pending on us receiving the required CLAs. The number of active contributors has grown lately, and I expect to see new committers being elected in near future. Most notably we've seen a number of contributions from employees of Cognifide, a consulting company with JCR expertise. A CCLA has been requested. There were two short Apache Jackrabbit presentations during the ApacheCon US and some discussion on potential cooperation with other related Apache projects. h2. Development The Jackrabbit build environment was recently upgraded to Maven 2 along with a restructuring of the Jackrabbit component projects. An initial clustering implementation was added to Jackrabbit core and will go out as a beta feature in the 1.2 release. The Jackrabbit dependencies to Apache Lucene and Apache Derby were upgraded to more recent versions. A number of forward-looking design discussions have occurred on the mailing list, often based on feedback from outside the core development group. h2. Infrastructure We've requested a Solaris zone for setting up nightly builds and automating integration tests and Maven reporting.