When you have created a new [Object Content Manager] in your application, you can use this component to insert, update, delete and retrieve objects. The class 'Folder' used in the following sections has to be annoted or defined in a xml file class descriptor. This page describes only the main [Object Content Manager] methods. You can see the javadoc to get more information on the API. You can also read the tutorial [5' with Jackrabbit OCM] to get more information on how to initialize the [Object Content Manager] (ocm). h2. Insert {code} Folder folder = new Folder(); folder.setPath("/myfolder"); folder.set...(); // call the setter methods ocm.insert(myFolder); {code} h2. Retrieve and update an object {code} Folder folder = (Folder) persistenceManager.getObject(Folder.class, "/myfolder"); folder.set...(); // call the setter methods ocm.update(myFolder); {code} h2. Delete {code} ocm.remove("/test"); {code} h2. Save last changes After some inserts, deletes and/or updates, you can call the method *ocm.save()* to apply your changes into the JCR repository.