Class StringHelper

  • public abstract class StringHelper
    extends Object
    Methods for manipulating strings.
    • Method Detail

      • bytesDifference

        public static int bytesDifference​(BytesRef left,
                                          BytesRef right)
        Compares two BytesRef, element by element, and returns the number of elements common to both arrays.
        left - The first BytesRef to compare
        right - The second BytesRef to compare
        The number of common elements.
      • getVersionComparator

        public static Comparator<String> getVersionComparator()
        a Comparator over versioned strings such as X.YY.Z
      • equals

        public static boolean equals​(String s1,
                                     String s2)
      • startsWith

        public static boolean startsWith​(BytesRef ref,
                                         BytesRef prefix)
        Returns true iff the ref starts with the given prefix. Otherwise false.
        ref - the BytesRef to test
        prefix - the expected prefix
        Returns true iff the ref starts with the given prefix. Otherwise false.
      • endsWith

        public static boolean endsWith​(BytesRef ref,
                                       BytesRef suffix)
        Returns true iff the ref ends with the given suffix. Otherwise false.
        ref - the BytesRef to test
        suffix - the expected suffix
        Returns true iff the ref ends with the given suffix. Otherwise false.