Class IOUtils

  • public final class IOUtils
    extends Object
    This class emulates the new Java 7 "Try-With-Resources" statement. Remove once Lucene is on Java 7.
    • Method Detail

      • closeWhileHandlingException

        public static <E extends Exception> void closeWhileHandlingException​(E priorException,
                                                                             Closeable... objects)
                                                                      throws E extends Exception,

        Closes all given Closeables, suppressing all thrown exceptions. Some of the Closeables may be null, they are ignored. After everything is closed, method either throws priorException, if one is supplied, or the first of suppressed exceptions, or completes normally.

        Sample usage:

         Closeable resource1 = null, resource2 = null, resource3 = null;
         ExpectedException priorE = null;
         try {
           resource1 = ...; resource2 = ...; resource3 = ...; // Acquisition may throw ExpectedException
  // May throw ExpectedException
         } catch (ExpectedException e) {
           priorE = e;
         } finally {
           closeWhileHandlingException(priorE, resource1, resource2, resource3);

        priorException - null or an exception that will be rethrown after method completion
        objects - objects to call close() on
        E extends Exception
      • close

        public static void close​(Closeable... objects)
                          throws IOException
        Closes all given Closeables. Some of the Closeables may be null; they are ignored. After everything is closed, the method either throws the first exception it hit while closing, or completes normally if there were no exceptions.
        objects - objects to call close() on
      • closeWhileHandlingException

        public static void closeWhileHandlingException​(Closeable... objects)
        Closes all given Closeables, suppressing all thrown exceptions. Some of the Closeables may be null, they are ignored.
        objects - objects to call close() on
      • getDecodingReader

        public static Reader getDecodingReader​(InputStream stream,
                                               Charset charSet)
        Wrapping the given InputStream in a reader using a CharsetDecoder. Unlike Java's defaults this reader will throw an exception if your it detects the read charset doesn't match the expected Charset.

        Decoding readers are useful to load configuration files, stopword lists or synonym files to detect character set problems. However, its not recommended to use as a common purpose reader.

        stream - the stream to wrap in a reader
        charSet - the expected charset
        a wrapping reader
      • getDecodingReader

        public static Reader getDecodingReader​(File file,
                                               Charset charSet)
                                        throws IOException
        Opens a Reader for the given File using a CharsetDecoder. Unlike Java's defaults this reader will throw an exception if your it detects the read charset doesn't match the expected Charset.

        Decoding readers are useful to load configuration files, stopword lists or synonym files to detect character set problems. However, its not recommended to use as a common purpose reader.

        file - the file to open a reader on
        charSet - the expected charset
        a reader to read the given file
      • getDecodingReader

        public static Reader getDecodingReader​(Class<?> clazz,
                                               String resource,
                                               Charset charSet)
                                        throws IOException
        Opens a Reader for the given resource using a CharsetDecoder. Unlike Java's defaults this reader will throw an exception if your it detects the read charset doesn't match the expected Charset.

        Decoding readers are useful to load configuration files, stopword lists or synonym files to detect character set problems. However, its not recommended to use as a common purpose reader.

        clazz - the class used to locate the resource
        resource - the resource name to load
        charSet - the expected charset
        a reader to read the given file
      • deleteFilesIgnoringExceptions

        public static void deleteFilesIgnoringExceptions​(Directory dir,
                                                         String... files)
        Deletes all given files, suppressing all thrown IOExceptions.

        Note that the files should not be null.

      • copy

        public static void copy​(File source,
                                File target)
                         throws IOException
        Copy one file's contents to another file. The target will be overwritten if it exists. The source must exist.
      • reThrow

        public static void reThrow​(Throwable th)
                            throws IOException
        Simple utilty method that takes a previously caught Throwable and rethrows either IOException or an unchecked exception. If the argument is null then this method does nothing.
      • reThrowUnchecked

        public static void reThrowUnchecked​(Throwable th)
        Simple utilty method that takes a previously caught Throwable and rethrows it as an unchecked exception. If the argument is null then this method does nothing.