Class MultiSimilarity

  • public class MultiSimilarity
    extends Similarity
    Implements the CombSUM method for combining evidence from multiple similarity values described in: Joseph A. Shaw, Edward A. Fox. In Text REtrieval Conference (1993), pp. 243-252
    • Field Detail

      • sims

        protected final Similarity[] sims
        the sub-similarities used to create the combined score
    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiSimilarity

        public MultiSimilarity​(Similarity[] sims)
        Creates a MultiSimilarity which will sum the scores of the provided sims.
    • Method Detail

      • computeNorm

        public long computeNorm​(FieldInvertState state)
        Description copied from class: Similarity
        Computes the normalization value for a field, given the accumulated state of term processing for this field (see FieldInvertState).

        Matches in longer fields are less precise, so implementations of this method usually set smaller values when state.getLength() is large, and larger values when state.getLength() is small.

        Specified by:
        computeNorm in class Similarity
        state - current processing state for this field
        computed norm value
      • computeWeight

        public Similarity.SimWeight computeWeight​(float queryBoost,
                                                  CollectionStatistics collectionStats,
                                                  TermStatistics... termStats)
        Description copied from class: Similarity
        Compute any collection-level weight (e.g. IDF, average document length, etc) needed for scoring a query.
        Specified by:
        computeWeight in class Similarity
        queryBoost - the query-time boost.
        collectionStats - collection-level statistics, such as the number of tokens in the collection.
        termStats - term-level statistics, such as the document frequency of a term across the collection.
        SimWeight object with the information this Similarity needs to score a query.