Class BasicStats

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected float avgFieldLength
      The average field length.
      protected long docFreq
      The document frequency.
      protected long numberOfDocuments
      The number of documents.
      protected long numberOfFieldTokens
      The total number of tokens in the field.
      protected float queryBoost
      Query's inner boost.
      protected float topLevelBoost
      Any outer query's boost.
      protected float totalBoost
      For most Similarities, the immediate and the top level query boosts are not handled differently.
      protected long totalTermFreq
      The total number of occurrences of this term across all documents.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      BasicStats​(java.lang.String field, float queryBoost)
    • Field Detail

      • numberOfDocuments

        protected long numberOfDocuments
        The number of documents.
      • numberOfFieldTokens

        protected long numberOfFieldTokens
        The total number of tokens in the field.
      • avgFieldLength

        protected float avgFieldLength
        The average field length.
      • docFreq

        protected long docFreq
        The document frequency.
      • totalTermFreq

        protected long totalTermFreq
        The total number of occurrences of this term across all documents.
      • queryBoost

        protected final float queryBoost
        Query's inner boost.
      • topLevelBoost

        protected float topLevelBoost
        Any outer query's boost.
      • totalBoost

        protected float totalBoost
        For most Similarities, the immediate and the top level query boosts are not handled differently. Hence, this field is just the product of the other two.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicStats

        public BasicStats​(java.lang.String field,
                          float queryBoost)
        Constructor. Sets the query boost.
    • Method Detail

      • getNumberOfDocuments

        public long getNumberOfDocuments()
        Returns the number of documents.
      • setNumberOfDocuments

        public void setNumberOfDocuments​(long numberOfDocuments)
        Sets the number of documents.
      • getNumberOfFieldTokens

        public long getNumberOfFieldTokens()
        Returns the total number of tokens in the field.
        See Also:
      • setNumberOfFieldTokens

        public void setNumberOfFieldTokens​(long numberOfFieldTokens)
        Sets the total number of tokens in the field.
        See Also:
      • getAvgFieldLength

        public float getAvgFieldLength()
        Returns the average field length.
      • setAvgFieldLength

        public void setAvgFieldLength​(float avgFieldLength)
        Sets the average field length.
      • getDocFreq

        public long getDocFreq()
        Returns the document frequency.
      • setDocFreq

        public void setDocFreq​(long docFreq)
        Sets the document frequency.
      • getTotalTermFreq

        public long getTotalTermFreq()
        Returns the total number of occurrences of this term across all documents.
      • setTotalTermFreq

        public void setTotalTermFreq​(long totalTermFreq)
        Sets the total number of occurrences of this term across all documents.
      • rawNormalizationValue

        protected float rawNormalizationValue()
        Computes the raw normalization value. This basic implementation returns the query boost. Subclasses may override this method to include other factors (such as idf), or to save the value for inclusion in normalize(float, float), etc.
      • normalize

        public void normalize​(float queryNorm,
                              float topLevelBoost)
        No normalization is done. topLevelBoost is saved in the object, however.
        Specified by:
        normalize in class Similarity.SimWeight
      • getTotalBoost

        public float getTotalBoost()
        Returns the total boost.