JCR taglib

Basic usage

  1. SessionTag.
    jrc:session sets the boundaries of a JCR session. It creates a Session and stores it in a page scope variable.
  2. CdTag.
    jrc:cd sets the current working directory.
  3. NodesTag
    jrc:nodes iterates over all the traversed nodes from the given node.
  4. PropertiesTag
    jcr:properties iterates over the properties of the given node.
  5. OutTag
    jcr:out displays Node and property values through the given template engine and template.
  6. SetTag
    jcr:set stores the given node or property in a page context scoped variable.
  7. CountTag
    jcr:counts counts the nodes returned by the given Traverser and writes the value.
  8. SizeTag
    jcr:size Estimates the cumulative size of the nodes returned by the given Traverser and writes the value.
  9. QueryTag
    jcr:query Iterates over the query result nodes.
  10. IfPresentTag
    jcr:ifPresent Conditional tag which evaluates a node existence.
  11. versionsTag
    jcr:versions Iterates over the versions of the given node

Advanced usage

  1. Test traversers
  2. Test filters
  3. Test comparators