This module contains performance tests for microkernel instances. The tests can be launched locally by calling directly the remote profile from the pom file using the following commands: mvn clean test -Premote -Poak - for launching the tests against the oak microkernel or mvn clean test -Premote -Psc - for launching the tests against the mongodb microkernel. More than that the tests can be launched remotely, for example on an mongodb cluster.In this case the pom file uploads the tests to the remote machine, runs them and collects the results.Use the following commands to remotely run the tests: mvn clean process-test-classes -Plocal -Psc(or -Poak the microkernel used in tests) -Dpass= Tests: - MkAddNodesDifferentStructuresTest - builds Jsop diffs (for adding nodes) in different structures - all on the same line, in a pyramid structure etc.All the nodes are added in the same commit operation. - MkAddNodesMultipleCommitsTest - builds a Jsop diff for adding nodes as a pyramid structure.The nodes are added in separate commit operations (all in one commit, or each 3 nodes in a commit etc.) - MkAddNodesRelativePathTest - add nodes to a node structure.Each node is added in a separate commit and all the nodes are referenced using the relative path to the corresponding parent node.