/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ def baseDir=new File("src/site/resources") def iconsDir=new File(baseDir, "images/icons") def iconPageDir=new File(baseDir, "icons") def icons = [] def extensions = ["png","gif"] def iconsByCategoryByPage = [:] def getExtensionFromFilename(filename) { def m = (filename =~ /(\.[^\.]*)$/) if (m.size()>0) { return (m[0][0].size()>0 ? m[0][0].substring(1).trim().toLowerCase() : "") } "" } def getMap(map, key) { def value = map[key] if (!value) { value = [:] map[key] = value } value } def getList(map, key) { def value = map[key] if (!value) { value = [] map[key] = value } value } def asList(list) { def buf = new StringBuilder() list.each { buf.append(it).append("/") } buf.deleteCharAt(buf.length()-1) buf.toString() } iconsDir.eachFileRecurse { file -> def fileExtension = getExtensionFromFilename(file.name) if (extensions.contains(fileExtension)) { def parts = file.path.split("[\\/\\\\]") def filePath = asList(parts[3..-1]) parts = parts[5..-1] // strip off 'src/site/resources/images/icons' def pageName = parts[0] def iconSize = parts[1] parts = parts[2..-1] // strip off pageName & iconSize def hasCategory = parts.size() == 2 def categoryName = hasCategory? parts[0]: "all" parts = parts[(hasCategory?1:0)..-1] // strip off category if exists def iconName = parts[0] def iconsByCategory = getMap(iconsByCategoryByPage, pageName) def iconsByName = getMap(iconsByCategory,categoryName) def iconList = getList(iconsByName, iconName) iconList.add(filePath) } } def appendImgRef(buf, fileName) { buf.append("") buf.append("") buf.append("") buf } def colsPerRow = [ haywood: 8, nogl: 12, tango: 8] iconsByCategoryByPage.each { pageName, iconsByCategory -> def pageFile = new File(iconPageDir, pageName + ".html") println(pageFile.path) def numCols = colsPerRow[pageName] def buf = new StringBuilder() buf.append(""" ${pageName} """) iconsByCategory.each { categoryName, iconsByName -> def numIcons = 0 def rowStarted = false def categoryNameCapitalized = categoryName[0].toUpperCase() + categoryName[1..-1] if (!categoryName.equals("all")) { buf.append("


") } buf.append("\n") iconsByName.each { iconName, iconList -> if(!rowStarted) { buf.append(" \n") rowStarted = true } buf.append("") numIcons++ if(numIcons%numCols==0) { buf.append("\n") rowStarted = false } } if (rowStarted) { def numCellsToCompleteRow = numIcons%numCols numCellsToCompleteRow.each { buf.append("\n") } buf.append("
") iconList.each { appendImgRef(buf, it) } buf.append("
") } buf.append("
\n") } buf.append(""" \n""") def pageFileText = buf.toString() pageFile.text = pageFileText }