We thought it'd be a good idea to auto-update the www.apache.org homepage based on the foundation blog. See the main README for information about how to run the tool (hint: there's some snippets in ../build.xml for it). This implementation uses Rome (which is licensed under Apache License v2.0) to fetch and parse the feed, and then uses JDOM to look for the
part of index.xml. It then replaces the contents of that section with the latest entries from the feed. Since Anakia requires more-or-less valid XML input, there's some blog content that we just can't really deal with properly given the chosen tools. We make a reasonable attempt to do a reasonable thing and skip over the mess. Using the python Universal FeedParser could've helped, but I chose not to do that because then you'd need python installed properly in order to run the rebuild. The additional copy of jdom and xerces in ./lib is needed to run Rome; these libraries are _not_ compatible with the ancient ones that Anakia uses. The generated classes are all checked in; remember to check in your changes too if you make any! You can run ./build.sh (yes, really! No ant required :)) to re-generate the classes after changing the source code.