## Piotr Zarzycki ## **What's your name?** Piotr Zarzycki **Which ApacheCon/Apache event did you attend?** I did attend to ApacheCon. **What Apache project(s)/Open Source Software project(s) are you involved in?** I am involved in Apache Flex project. **Where in the world are you from?** I am from Poland (Cracow). **What was the best bit about ApacheCon?** Absolutely one of the best thing was meet people who you know only from mailing list. **Who was the best person you met at ApacheCon, and why?** Chris Dutz - His smile and attitude to me and other people was amazing. He gather not only people from Apache Flex project, but also from other projects. Thanks to him I met many amazing people. Thank you so much Chris! **What was your favourite ApacheCon talk, and why?** I think one of the best was Chris's Dutz talk "Building SCADA Systems with Apache Software" - He did his talk with a lot of passion which not only I have felt but many other people. That was so strong that I know that his idea is realistic. **How did the Travel Assistance program compare to your expectations?** I'm not disappointed in any kind of bit related to TAC. People who handle program was well prepare. My expectations was more than fulfilled. Thank you TAC!