{% extends "skeleton.html" %} {% block title %}Welcome to The Apache Software Foundation!{% endblock %} {% block tagline %}{{ tagline.content }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{{ top_left.content|markdown }}
{{ top_center.content|markdown }}
{{ top_right.content|markdown }}

Latest News

If you would like to keep up with news and announcements from the foundation and all its projects, you can subscribe to the Apache Announcements List or follow the Foundation Blog.

{% for e in blog.list %}

{{ e.title }}

{{ e.content|safe|truncatewords_html:50 }}

{% endfor %} {% for e in announce.list %}

{{ e.title }}

{{ e.content|safe|truncatewords_html:50 }}

{% endfor %}

Latest Activity

This is an overview of activity going on with our projects. SVN commits, bug reports, tweets, you name it.

{% for e in twitter.list %}
@{{ e.title|safe }}
{% endfor %} {% for e in svn.list %}
r{{ e.revision }} {{ e.message|safe|truncatewords_html:20 }} ({{ e.projects|safe }}) — {{ e.author }}
{% endfor %} {% for e in jira.list %}
{{ e.title|safe }}
{{ e.content|safe|truncatewords_html:20 }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %} {% block footer %}

The Apache Blogs

{% for e in planet.list %}
{{ e.title }}

{{ e.content|safe|truncatewords_html:30 }}

{% endfor %}
Read More »
{% endblock %}