Title: Services List Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. This page lists the services available to the ASF. (Services only used by the Infrastructure team, such as internal SQL databases and FreeBSD tinderboxes, are not listed.) DNS is the only authoritative record of which service is on which machine, so please use the service names ("people.apache.org") instead of the machine names ("minotaur.apache.org") when using the services. As this page will periodically grow stale, a dynamic page of the [underlying hosts & services](http://status.apache.org/) can prove useful. Additionally there is information about the [machines themselves](machines.html). # Contents # [TOC] # Web sites # {#web-sites} The [site-dev](infra-mail.html) mailing list manages the following websites: - [ASF websites](.#web) - [projects.apache.org](http://projects.apache.org/indexes/quick.html) - an index into all the Projects at the ASF - www.apache.org - the main ASF website ([build instructions](infra-site)) - [people.apache.org](http://people.apache.org/) - details about the individual committers at the ASF - [Shell accounts](new-committers-guide.html#shell) - [Committer personal web space](new-committers-guide.html#public_html) : http://people.apache.org/~login/ # Email # {#email} - Mail server - QMail/QSMTPD - [mailing lists](http://www.apache.org/foundation/mailinglists.html) - EZMLM - [public mailing list archives (mod_mbox)](http://mail-archives.apache.org/) - [private mailing list archives (mod_mbox)](https://mail-search.apache.org/members/private-arch/) and [search](https://mail-search.apache.org/). (ASF Members have full access; PMC members have access to their PMC's archives only, via the latter link.) - Spam control - Spamfilter + SpamAssassin - Mail forwarding:.forward files # Issue tracking # {#issue-tracking} There are currently two issue tracking systems in use at the ASF. Additionally, security vulnerabilities are mailed to security@apache.org. - [Bugzilla](http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/) ([manual](http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/2.18/html/)) - [Jira](http://issues.apache.org/jira/) ([manual](http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/latest/), [ASF FAQ](http://wiki.apache.org/general/ApacheJira)) - [Bug reporting guidelines](http://issues.apache.org/bugwritinghelp.html) For historical reasons, some projects have their own instances of Jira or Bugzilla. See [issues.apache.org](http://issues.apache.org/) for a list. # Source repository # {#source-repository} - [Subversion (SVN) repositories](http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/) - [ViewVC (Browser interface to the main repository)](http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/) - Guide for [commiters](version-control#https-svn) and [other community members](version-control#anon-svn) - [Git mirrors of SVN codebases](git) - [Experimental Git repositories](git-wip-us) # Shell (SSH) Server # {#ssh} Committers have [shell access](user-ssh) to `people.apache.org`. # Virtual servers # {#virtual-servers} We offer [FreeBSD jails](freebsd-jails) and Ubuntu VMs (no separate link yet). A few PMCs still have [Solaris zones](solaris-zones), but those are deprecated (i.e. we don't create any more of those). # Distributions # {#distributions} - [current distributions](http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi) - [historical distribution archives](http://archive.apache.org/) - [rsync (for distribution mirrors)](../info/how-to-mirror.html) - [Mirror Monitor - public mirrors status page](../mirrors/) - [Nexus](https://repository.apache.org) - [Archiva](http://vmbuild.apache.org/archiva/browse) - [Pear](http://pear.apache.org/) # Build services / CI # {#build} Please see the [builds](http://ci.apache.org/) page for details. - [Continuum](http://vmbuild.apache.org/) - [Buildbot](http://ci.apache.org/) - [Gump](http://vmgump.apache.org/) - [Jenkins](https://builds.apache.org/) - [wiki page](http://wiki.apache.org/general/Hudson) # Wikis # {#wikis} - [Confluence Wiki](http://cwiki.apache.org/CWIKI/) - [MoinMoin Wiki](http://wiki.apache.org/) ([FAQ](http://wiki.apache.org/general/WikiFrequentlyAskedQuestions)) # Blogs # {#blogs} - [Project blogs](project-blogs) - [Apache Planet](committer-blogs) (aggregation of committers' blogs) # DNS # {#dns} DNS is registered with Dotster and handled by colocation and volunteers. # Other # {#other} - Review Board - Sonar - [Whimsy](https://whimsy.apache.org), playground for [webapps](https://infra.apache.org/) - An [Apache Steve](http://steve.apache.org/) instance (offline when not in use) - [URL shortener](http://s.apache.org)