{% extends "skeleton.html" %} {% block title %}{{ links.headers.title }}{% endblock %} {% block tagline %}{{ links.headers.title }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Apache Developers' & Contributors' Overview

These pages provide a directory of technical details pertinent to all Apache projects, for developers, committers, release managers and PMC members contributing to any Apache project.

If you can't find information here, ask on your project's mailing list, or contact the Community Development project's mailing list for more general questions. There are many experienced ASF people who can help. We also have a sitemap summarizing all the pointers available.

{{ links.content|markdown }}

Latest Activity

This is an overview of activity going on with various Apache projects. SVN commits, bug reports, tweets, you name it.

{% for e in twitter.list %} @{{ e.title|safe }} @ {{ e.time|safe }}
{% endfor %} {% for e in svn.list %} r{{ e.revision }} {{ e.message|safe|truncatewords_html:20 }} ({{ e.projects|safe }}) — {{ e.author }}
{% endfor %} {% for e in jira.list %} {{ e.title|safe }}
{{ e.content|safe|truncatewords_html:20 }} {% cycle "
" "
" "
" "
" "" %} {% endfor %}

The Infra Blog

{% for e in blog.list %}
{{ e.title }}

{{ e.content|safe|truncatewords_html:30 }}

{% endfor %}
Read More »
{% endblock %}