Apache websites SHOULD include images so that the ConCom or PRC can advertise ApacheCon or other events. Maybe we'll expand the use of this later after probably a very extensive discussion somewhere. For now, we won't. Ok, basics. Button/banner standard sizes: 468x60 full banner (not yet implemented) 234x60 half banner 125x125 button The files (e.g. buttonbar.html) are html fragments to produce a
with two images below each other inside. You can use CSS to customize appearance. Howto ----- * Option 1: Use an The style parameter may be adjusted as needed. The width and height need to be exact, so don't forget to sum your margins, padding, borders, etc. for the CSS design of the rest of your page. * Option 2: Use hard-coded plain html fragment: Some web applications will not be able to use the iframe method, but can directly use the html fragment from buttonbar.html for example. However this circumvents the adserver, so make sure that you keep up-to-date. When are these updated ---------------------- Should be done by concom only. When the confirmed dates and locations are known, a standard 125x125 image and a 234x60 image are generated and added to the directory ads/ApacheCon/ See the readme. Entries are added to the Calendar, e.g. people.apache.org/calendar.html#20075 When the producer-maintained conference websites are ready, the apachecon.com re-directs are configured, e.g. apachecon.com/2007/EU/ and eu.apachecon.com etc. If a conference site is not yet ready, then refer to the ASF Calendar. Please do not advertise conferences too far in advance. We need to keep focus on the current upcoming conferences. Updating the banners -------------------- Should be done by concom only. Just edit the HTML files. You can test locally by saving any website page that has them and replacing the stuff between with the new file.