Checking out the source: ------------------------ $ svn co site Modifying the website: ---------------------- See the instructions at: To modify the website, all you need to do is edit the files in the content/ directory, commit your changes, and visit . The format of the files is Markdown. Changing the look and feel of the entire website is easy. Just modify the templates in the templates/ directory. If you would like to add links to the left side navigation, simply edit the templates/blocks/projects.mdtext file. Place your images in the content/images directory. When the staging site at has rendered your changes, check that the expected files have been updated. Once you are happy that the correct files have been changed, visit to make them live. The live site can then be updated as described in Note ---- The content/dist project sub-directories are maintained by individual PMCs, and are thus excluded from the infrastructure/site/trunk SVN tree. Questions: ---------- If you have any questions, please subscribe to the mailing list described in the STATUS document. FAQ --- See Also: The code that implements the CMS is at: