#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # print out commercial support list $dbfile = "supportdb.txt"; print < Companies and Contractors Providing Commercial Support for Apache

Companies and Contractors Providing Commercial Support for Apache

Below is a table of companies and consultants who provide commercial support, in one form or another, for Apache. Being mentioned here is not an indication of official "endorsement" by the Apache Group, but is instead provided as a public service. Enjoy.

EOM open(DB, $dbfile) || die "Warning: $!\n"; print "\n"; foreach $_ (sort ()) { next if (/^#/); ($type, $who, $url, $email, $phone, $fax, $loc, $comment) = split(/\t/); if ($type eq "Comp") { print "\n"; } else { push(@contractors, $_); } } print "\n\n"; foreach $_ (sort (@contractors)) { next if (/^#/); ($type, $who, $url, $email, $phone, $fax, $loc, $comment) = split(/\t/); if ($type eq "Cont") { print "\n"; } } print "\n
Company (E-mail) Phone
Location               Comments                                             
$who ($email) $phone
$loc $comment
Contractor (E-mail)
$who ($email) $phone
$loc $comment