Purpose and Intended Audience

This page includes a concatenation of the reports made by the VP of Legal Affairs to the ASF Board of Directors, and may be of interest to committers wishing to follow the progress and history of legal policy issues.


The following reports are included in this page:

June 27, 2006

         LICENSING HEADER: I sent a summary of the resolution passed
            at last month's meeting to the legal-discuss list and
            am compiling a short FAQ based on questions from that
            thread.  The summary and FAQ will be linked from a new
            apache.org/legal/ home page by the end of the week, and
            send a notification of the posting to committers@. I 
            originally stated that the new header would need to be
            implemented on releases on or after August 1, 2006,
            but will push that date back one month, since I was slow
            to get this out to all committers. 

        PATENT LICENSING IN CCLAS: There continues to be some degree
            of controversy over my statement on how the CCLA patent
            license should be interpreted.  I continue to state 
            that the patents are licensed for both the contribution
            and combinations of the contribution with the continuing
            evolution of the project.  In other words, the ASF is
            not interested in contributions with strings attached
            (strings = restrictions on what it can be combined with).

        SFLC LETTER ON ODF: The SFLC has asked us to review a draft 
            statement on the legal encumbrances of the OASIS ODF
            specification.  If we agree with the draft, they would 
            like to issue a statement that they are representing the
            positions on two of their clients, the ASF and FSF.