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Latest Activity

This is an overview of activity going on with our projects. SVN commits, bug reports, tweets you name it.

Resolve widget action entity caching with filter-by-date — Bob Morley
Dutch translation for marketing module — Pierre Smits
Add forrest documentation for mumak — Hong Tang
Spatial Filters not Serializable — Joey Surls
Mumak should have a unit test to ensure jetty UI is running properly — Hong Tang
Documenting MapReduce metrics — Hong Tang
We should have a spec on JobHistory file format — Hong Tang
Speed up junit tests — Mark Miller
Add support for SOUNDEX() function — Guy Davis
Making JobHistory log format easily extensible in the future — Hong Tang
Shuffle should be secure — Owen O'Malley
Move Framework Counters into a TaskMetric structure — Owen O'Malley
A draft version of a new theme — Bruno Busco