=== Kid === ------------------------------ Pythonic, XML-based Templating ------------------------------ Kid is a simple template language for `XML` based vocabularies written in `Python`_. It was spawned as a result of a kinky love triangle between `XSLT`_, `TAL`_, and `PHP`_. We believe many of the best features of these languages live on in Kid with much of the limitations and complexity stamped out (see `WhatsBorrowed`_ and `WhatsDifferent`_). For more info on current and planned features and licensing information, see `AboutKid`_. .. _Python: http://python.org/ .. _XML: http://w3.org/XML/ .. _XSLT: http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt .. _TAL: http://www.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ZPT/TAL .. _PHP: http://www.php.net/ .. _WhatsBorrowed: http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/wiki/WhatsBorrowed .. _WhatsDifferent: http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/wiki/WhatsDifferent .. _AboutKid: http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/wiki/AboutKid Download -------- The current stable version of Kid is 0.8 and is available from the following location: http://lesscode.org/dist/kid/0.8/kid-0.8.tar.gz You can find older and bleeding version in the `dist `_ directory. See `GettingStarted`_ for information on installing Kid on your system. .. _GettingStarted: http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/wiki/GettingStarted Documentation / Articles ------------------------ Official documentation in HTML and text formats is available with the source distribution and is also available right here. * `Release Notes`_ - contains release notes for the latest Kid release. * `User's Guide`_ - Information on using kid from Python, the command line, and in various web environments. * `Language Specification`_ - detail on template syntax and semantics. .. _Release Notes: notes.html .. _User's Guide: guide.html .. _Language Specification: language.html Note that the `Kid Wiki`_ contains supplementary documentation on Kid. Please consider creating your own pages if you have a useful tip to share. * `KidFaq`_ - Frequently Asked Questions on the Kid template language. * `KidRecipes`_ - Recipes for solving some common tasks using Kid. * `KidExamples`_ - Check out some template examples. * `ProjectsUsingKid`_ .. _Kid Wiki: http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/wiki/ .. _KidFaq: http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/wiki/KidFaq .. _KidRecipes: http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/wiki/KidRecipes .. _KidExamples: http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/wiki/KidExamples .. _ProjectsUsingKid: http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/wiki/ProjectsUsingKid Other sources of information include the `mailing list archives`_, the `lesscode.org blog`_. Older ramblings on kid can be found on `Ryan Tomayko's Weblog`_ under the tag, "kid". .. _mailing list archives: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.kid.general .. _Ryan Tomayko's Weblog: http://naeblis.cx/rtomayko/ .. _lesscode.org blog: http://lesscode.org/blog/category/kid/ Contribute ---------- * `Join the mailing list`_ and discuss Kid usage, bugs, ideas, whatever... * Report a bug or suggest a feature by creating a `new ticket`_. * This is a `TracWiki`_ and is directly editable. Please consider adding to the content. You can play around in the `SandBox`_. .. _Join the mailing list: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/kid-template-discuss .. _new ticket: http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/newticket .. _TracWiki: http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/wiki/TracWiki .. _SandBox: http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/wiki/SandBox Contact ------- If you need help or support, please send it to the Kid mailing list: You may also contact the author directly: