# sent ftp://ftp.mirror.versatel.nl/apache/ - FAIL - CWD james/apache-james/3.0beta3: Failed to change directory. http://apache.mirror.versatel.nl/ james/apache-james/3.0beta3/ - FAIL: '404 Not Found' http://ftp.nsysu.edu.tw/Apache/ james/apache-james/3.0beta3/ - FAIL: '404 Not Found' -------------------------- Hi %MAIL%, looking at your apache mirror : %URLS% we noticed that your mirror is missing one of the james subdirectories. Compare %URLS%james/ with http://www.apache.org/dist/james/ Note that the directory apache-james is missing from your mirror. There were some permission problems with the files on our mirror originally, but these were corrected some time ago. Other mirrors have picked up the updated files, but yours has not. Please look (again) at our 'how-to-mirror' : http://www.apache.org/info/how-to-mirror.html in particular http://www.apache.org/info/how-to-mirror.html#Configuration Note that : -- we will silently remove mirrors with persistent problems Thanks for looking into this, From apache.org infrastructure