Things that need to be done before is "finished", roughly in the order they should be done. * Finalize rdf spec - Publish "ASF Extensions" to rdf spec david: I'm qite willing to try and write the extensions spec, but not sure where we should publish it. I'd like to use (or some such) but not 100% sure how that needs to work. * Choose system to build website - Forrest? - Custom scripts? * Get a significant set of rdf for a large-scale demo - 10-15 projects? * Using build system, generate at least a basic set of indexes - We also need some words for a "main" index page to act as a top level introduction. Projects: - By language - By category - By pmc Download page by project Bug db by project etc.. * Set up large-scale demo on * Seek feedback (from members@, community@, prc@?) (Perhaps this should be kept very selective to avoid bikeshedding and other non-constructive feedback?) * Incorporate feedback * Publish detailed instructions and advertise on committers@ * Setup final site At some point, we will need to develop a canonical set of categories. Let's start a list here: (Note that languages are a separate list; also, a category doesn't really make sense unless there is a project under more than one PMC that would fall into the cateogry.) HTTP XML Mail Database httpd-module Internet-Server Internet-Client Library Framework Build Graphics