Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcWebdavPotentialUriContent


Class ezcWebdavPotentialUriContent

Struct representing a text that is potentially considered an URI.

Some Webdav property values might either contain plain text or an URI, covered in an <href> XML element. This struct is used to represent such information. If the content of the property is an URI, the $isUri property is set to true. Otherwise it is false. The $content property contains the plain text content.

Source for this file: /Webdav/src/structs/potential_uri_content.php

Version:   //autogen//

Member Variables

public string $content
Text content.
public bool $isUri
If the text content is to be considered an URI.

Method Summary

public ezcWebdavPotentialUriContent __construct( [ $content = ''] , [ $isUri = false] )
Creates a new potential URI content struct.
public string __toString( )
Converts the object to a string.



ezcWebdavPotentialUriContent __construct( [string $content = ''] , [bool $isUri = false] )

Creates a new potential URI content struct.

Name Type Description
$content string
$isUri bool


string __toString( )

Converts the object to a string.

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