Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcWebdavPathFactory


Interface ezcWebdavPathFactory

Basic path factory interface.

An object that implements this interface is meant to be used in ezcWebdavServerConfiguration as the $pathFactory property. The instance of ezcWebdavTransport utilizes the path factory to translate between external paths/URIs and paths that are usable with the a ezcWebdavBackend.

You may want to provide custome implementations for different mappings.

Source for this file: /Webdav/src/interfaces/path_factory.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public string generateUriFromPath( $path )
Generates a URI from a local path.
public string parseUriToPath( $uri )
Parses the given URI to a path suitable to be used in the backend.



string generateUriFromPath( string $path )

Generates a URI from a local path.

This method receives a local $path string, representing a resource in the ezcWebdavBackend and translates it into a full qualified URI to be used as external reference.

Name Type Description
$path string


string parseUriToPath( string $uri )

Parses the given URI to a path suitable to be used in the backend.

This method retrieves a URI (either full qualified or relative) and translates it into a local path, which can be understood by the ezcWebdavBackend instance used in the ezcWebdavServer.

Name Type Description
$uri string
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