Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcTestImageCase


Class ezcTestImageCase

Abstract base class for image related test cases.

Source for this file: /UnitTest/src/test/image_case.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public void assertImageSame( $expectedImage , $image , [ $message = ''] )
Asserts that the compared images are same
public void assertImageSimilar( $expectedImage , $image , [ $message = ''] , [ $maxDifference = 0] )
Asserts that the compared images are similar

Inherited Methods

From ezcTestCase
public void ezcTestCase::assertSetProperty()
Checks if $expectedValues are properly set on $propertyName in $object.
public void ezcTestCase::assertSetPropertyFails()
Checks if $setValues fail when set on $propertyName in $object.
public void ezcTestCase::cleanTempDir()
protected void ezcTestCase::createTempDir()
Creates and returns the temporary directory.
public void ezcTestCase::getTempDir()
Get the name of the temporary directory.
public void ezcTestCase::removeTempDir()
Remove the temp directory.



void assertImageSame( string $expectedImage , string $image , [string $message = ''] )

Asserts that the compared images are same

Uses the compare binary of the imagemagick package to compare to images and will fail if the difference between two images is higher then zero.

Name Type Description
$image string New image
$expectedImage string Image to compare with
$message string Message to append to the fail message


void assertImageSimilar( string $expectedImage , string $image , [string $message = ''] , [int $maxDifference = 0] )

Asserts that the compared images are similar

Uses the compare binary of the imagemagick package to compare to images and will fail if the difference between two images is higher then the defined value.

See http://www.imagemagick.org/script/compare.php for details. The difference is logarithmical scaled.

Name Type Description
$image string New image
$expectedImage string Image to compare with
$message string Message to append to the fail message
$maxDifference int Maximum difference between images
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