Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcTreeXmlDataStore


Interface ezcTreeXmlDataStore

ezcTreeXmlDataStore is an interface defining common methods for XML based data stores.

Source for this file: /Tree/src/stores/xml.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public void setDomTree( $dom )
Associates the DOM tree for which this data store stores data for with this store.

Inherited Methods

From ezcTreeDataStore
public void ezcTreeDataStore::deleteDataForAllNodes()
Deletes the data for all the nodes in the store.
public void ezcTreeDataStore::deleteDataForNodes()
Deletes the data for all the nodes in the node list $nodeList.
public void ezcTreeDataStore::fetchDataForNode()
Retrieves the data for the node $node from the data store and assigns it to the node's 'data' property.
public void ezcTreeDataStore::fetchDataForNodes()
Retrieves the data for all the nodes in the node list $nodeList and assigns this data to the nodes' 'data' properties.
public void ezcTreeDataStore::storeDataForNode()
Stores the data in the node to the data store.



void setDomTree( $dom )

Associates the DOM tree for which this data store stores data for with this store.

Name Type Description
$dom DOMDocument
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