Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcTemplateOutputContext


Interface ezcTemplateOutputContext

Controls output handling in the template engine.

The template engine will use the various methods in an output context object to control how the end result is.

The compiler will use the transformOutput() method when generating PHP structures for output.

Source for this file: /Template/src/interfaces/output_context.php

Version:   //autogen//

Method Summary

public string identifier( )
Returns the unique identifier for the context handler. This is used to uniquely identify the handler, e.g. it is included in the path of compiled files.
public ezcTemplateAstNode transformOutput( $node )
Transforms an expressions so it can be displayed in the current output context correctly.



string identifier( )

Returns the unique identifier for the context handler. This is used to uniquely identify the handler, e.g. it is included in the path of compiled files.


ezcTemplateAstNode transformOutput( $node )

Transforms an expressions so it can be displayed in the current output context correctly.

Name Type Description
$node ezcTemplateAstNode
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