Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcTemplateException


Class ezcTemplateException

ezcTemplateExceptions are thrown when an exceptional state occurs in the Template package.

Source for this file: /Template/src/exceptions/template_exception.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcTemplateFileFailedRenameException Exception for problems when renaming template files.
ezcTemplateInternalException ezcTemplateInternalException is thrown when the Template engine comes into an unstable state.
ezcTemplateCustomBlockException ezcTemplateCustomBlock exception is thrown when an error occurs while processing a Custom Block.
ezcTemplateFileNotFoundException Exception for problems when accessing template files which does not exists.
ezcTemplateNoOutputContextException Exception for for missing output contexts in classes.
ezcTemplateFileNotWriteableException Exception for problems when writing to template files.
ezcTemplateParserException Exception for failed element parsers.
ezcTemplateCompilationFailedException ezcTemplateCompilationFailedException is thrown when a template could not be compiled.
ezcTemplateFileNotReadableException Exception for problems when reading from template files.
ezcTemplateSourceToTstParserException Exception for failed element parsers.
ezcTemplateTypeHintException Exception for problems in parser element code.
ezcTemplateFileFailedUnlinkException Exception for problems when unlinking template files.
ezcTemplateInvalidCompiledFileException Exception for missing invalid compiled files.
ezcTemplateRuntimeException ezcTemplateRuntimeException is thrown when an error occurs while executing a template. For example when a {use} variable without a default value is not given.
ezcTemplateNoManagerException Exception for for missing managers in classes.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcBaseException
public ezcBaseException::$originalMessage

Method Summary

public ezcTemplateException __construct( $message )
Constructs a new ezcTemplateException with error message $message.

Inherited Methods

From ezcBaseException
public ezcBaseException ezcBaseException::__construct()
Constructs a new ezcBaseException with $message



ezcTemplateException __construct( string $message )

Constructs a new ezcTemplateException with error message $message.

Name Type Description
$message string
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcBaseException::__construct() Constructs a new ezcBaseException with $message
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcTemplateFileFailedRenameException::__construct() Initialises the exception with the original template file path and the new file path. 
ezcTemplateInternalException::__construct() Creates a template internal exception. 
ezcTemplateCustomBlockException::__construct() Initialises the CustomBlock exception with the given message. 
ezcTemplateFileNotFoundException::__construct() Initialises the exception with the template file path. 
ezcTemplateNoOutputContextException::__construct() Initialises the exception with the location object $location which contains the locator which is missing. 
ezcTemplateFileNotWriteableException::__construct() Constructor 
ezcTemplateParserException::__construct() Initialises the exception with the failing elements, parser, source code and error messages. 
ezcTemplateCompilationFailedException::__construct() Creates a exception for failed compilations, error message is specified by caller. 
ezcTemplateFileNotReadableException::__construct() Initialises the exception with the template file path. 
ezcTemplateSourceToTstParserException::__construct() Initialises the exception with the failing elements, parser, source code and error messages. 
ezcTemplateTypeHintException::__construct() This exception should be caught, and rethrown. The message is not important. 
ezcTemplateFileFailedUnlinkException::__construct() Initialises the exception with the template file path. 
ezcTemplateInvalidCompiledFileException::__construct() Initialises the exception with the location object $location which contains the locator which is missing. 
ezcTemplateRuntimeException::__construct() Constructs a template runtime exception with message $msg. 
ezcTemplateNoManagerException::__construct() Initialises the exception with the location object $location which contains the locator which is missing. 
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