Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcSearchException


Class ezcSearchException

This class provides the base exception for exception in the Search component.

Source for this file: /Search/src/exceptions/exception.php

Version:   //autogentag//


Child Class Description
ezcSearchQueryVariableParameterException Exception thrown when a method does not receive the variables it requires.
ezcSearchCanNotConnectException This exception is thrown when no connection can be made against a search backend.
ezcSearchDoesNotProvideDefinitionException This exception is thrown when the embedded manager can not find a definition for a class because it doesn't implement the interface.
ezcSearchIncompleteStateException Exception thrown when a field from the definition was not returned by getState().
ezcSearchIdNotFoundException Exception thrown when a non-existing ID is requested for findById().
ezcSearchFieldNotDefinedException Exception thrown when a field name is used that has not been defined through the document definition.
ezcSearchNetworkException Exception thrown when a network connection to a search backends gets disconnected permaturely.
ezcSearchTransactionException This exception is thrown in case something with a transaction goes wrong.
ezcSearchBuildQueryException This exception is thrown when the query builder can not parse the query string.
ezcSearchDefinitionNotFoundException This exception is thrown when a definition file for a class can not be found.
ezcSearchDefinitionInvalidException This exception is thrown when a definition file for a class is invalid.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcBaseException
public ezcBaseException::$originalMessage

Method Summary

public void __construct( $message )
Constructs an ezcSearchException

Inherited Methods

From ezcBaseException
public ezcBaseException ezcBaseException::__construct()
Constructs a new ezcBaseException with $message



void __construct( string $message )

Constructs an ezcSearchException

Name Type Description
$message string
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcBaseException::__construct() Constructs a new ezcBaseException with $message
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcSearchQueryVariableParameterException::__construct() Constructs an ezcSearchQueryVariableParameterException with the method $method and the arguments $numProvided and $numExpected. 
ezcSearchCanNotConnectException::__construct() Constructs an ezcSearchCanNotConnectException for type $type at location $location 
ezcSearchDoesNotProvideDefinitionException::__construct() Constructs an ezcSearchDoesNotProvideDefinitionException for document type $type 
ezcSearchIncompleteStateException::__construct() Constructs an ezcSearchIncompleteStateException for field $field. 
ezcSearchIdNotFoundException::__construct() Constructs an ezcSearchIdNotFoundException for the ID $id. 
ezcSearchFieldNotDefinedException::__construct() Constructs an ezcSearchFieldNotDefinedException for document type $type and field $field. 
ezcSearchNetworkException::__construct() Constructs an ezcSearchNetworkException 
ezcSearchTransactionException::__construct() Constructs an ezcSearchTransactionException 
ezcSearchBuildQueryException::__construct() Constructs an ezcSearchBuildQueryException 
ezcSearchDefinitionNotFoundException::__construct() Constructs an ezcSearchDefinitionNotFoundException 
ezcSearchDefinitionInvalidException::__construct() Constructs an ezcSearchDefinitionInvalidException 
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