Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcReflectionExtension


Class ezcReflectionExtension

Extends the ReflectionExtension class to provide type information using PHPDoc annotations.

Source for this file: /Reflection/src/extension.php

Version:   //autogen//

Member Variables

protected ReflectionExtension $reflectionSource = null

Inherited Member Variables

From ReflectionExtension (Internal Class)
public $name

Method Summary

public static mixed export( $extension , [ $return = false] )
Exports a reflection object.
public ezcReflectionExtension __construct( $extension )
Constructs a ezcReflectionExtension object from a given extension
public ezcReflectionClass[] getClasses( )
Returns an array containing ezcReflectionClass objects for all
public string[] getClassNames( )
Returns an array containing all names of all classes of this extension
public array getConstants( )
Returns an associative array containing this extension's constants and
public string[] getDependencies( )
Returns an array containing all names of all extensions this extension
public ezcReflectionFunction[] getFunctions( )
Returns an array of this extension's fuctions
public array getINIEntries( )
Returns an associative array containing this extension's INI entries and
public string getName( )
Returns this extension's name
public string getVersion( )
Returns this extension's version
public void info( )
Prints phpinfo block for the extension
public mixed __call( $method , $arguments )
Use overloading to call additional methods of the ReflectionException instance given to the constructor.
public string __toString( )
Returns a string representation

Inherited Methods

From ReflectionExtension (Internal Class)
public ReflectionExtension constructor __construct ( $name )
public void export ( $name, [$return = ] )
public void getClasses ( )
public void getClassNames ( )
public void getConstants ( )
public void getDependencies ( )
public void getFunctions ( )
public void getINIEntries ( )
public void getName ( )
public void getVersion ( )
public void info ( )
public void __clone ( )
public void __toString ( )



static mixed export( ReflectionExtension|string $extension , [boolean $return = false] )

Exports a reflection object.

Returns the output if TRUE is specified for return, printing it otherwise. This is purely a wrapper method, which calls the corresponding method of the parent class.

Name Type Description
$extension ReflectionExtension|string ReflectionExtension object or name of the extension
$return boolean Whether to return (TRUE) or print (FALSE) the output
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ReflectionExtension::export ( $name, [$return = ] )


ezcReflectionExtension __construct( string|ReflectionExtension $extension )

Constructs a ezcReflectionExtension object from a given extension

Throws an Exception in case the given extension does not exist

Name Type Description
$extension string|ReflectionExtension Name or ReflectionExtension object of the extension to be reflected
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ReflectionExtension::constructor __construct ( $name )


ezcReflectionClass[] getClasses( )

Returns an array containing ezcReflectionClass objects for all

classes of this extension

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ReflectionExtension::getClasses ( )


string[] getClassNames( )

Returns an array containing all names of all classes of this extension

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ReflectionExtension::getClassNames ( )


array getConstants( )

Returns an associative array containing this extension's constants and

their values

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ReflectionExtension::getConstants ( )


string[] getDependencies( )

Returns an array containing all names of all extensions this extension

depends on

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ReflectionExtension::getDependencies ( )


ezcReflectionFunction[] getFunctions( )

Returns an array of this extension's fuctions

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ReflectionExtension::getFunctions ( )


array getINIEntries( )

Returns an associative array containing this extension's INI entries and

their values

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ReflectionExtension::getINIEntries ( )


string getName( )

Returns this extension's name

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ReflectionExtension::getName ( )


string getVersion( )

Returns this extension's version

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ReflectionExtension::getVersion ( )


void info( )

Prints phpinfo block for the extension

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ReflectionExtension::info ( )


mixed __call( string $method , array $arguments )

Use overloading to call additional methods of the ReflectionException instance given to the constructor.

Name Type Description
$method string Method to be called
$arguments array Arguments that were passed


string __toString( )

Returns a string representation

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ReflectionExtension::__toString ( )
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