Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcReflection


Class ezcReflection

Holds type factory for generating type objects by given name

Source for this file: /Reflection/src/reflection.php

Version:   //autogen//

Member Variables

protected static ezcReflectionDocCommentParser $docParser
protected static ezcReflectionTypeFactory $reflectionTypeFactory

Method Summary

public static ezcReflectionClass[] getClasses( )
Returns an array with the ezcReflectionClass objects for all declared classes
public static ezcReflectionDocCommentParser getDocCommentParser( )
Returns a copy of the current documentation parser used by all ezcReflection classes
public static ezcReflectionFunction[] getFunctions( )
Returns an array with the ezcReflectionFunction objects for all internal and user-defined functions
public static ezcReflectionClass[] getInterfaces( )
Returns an array with the ezcReflectionClass objects for all declared interfaces
public static ezcReflectionFunction[] getInternalFunctions( )
Returns an array with the ezcReflectionFunction objects for all available internal functions
public static ezcReflectionTypeFactory getReflectionTypeFactory( )
Returns a copy of the current factory used to create type objects
public static ezcReflectionType getTypeByName( $typeName )
Returns a ezcReflectionType object for the given type name
public static ezcReflectionFunction[] getUserDefinedFunctions( )
Returns an array with the ezcReflectionFunction objects for all user-defined functions
public static void setDocCommentParser( $docParser )
Sets the documentation parser used by all ezcReflection classes
public static void setReflectionTypeFactory( $factory )
Sets the factory used to create type objects



static ezcReflectionClass[] getClasses( )

Returns an array with the ezcReflectionClass objects for all declared classes


static ezcReflectionDocCommentParser getDocCommentParser( )

Returns a copy of the current documentation parser used by all ezcReflection classes


static ezcReflectionFunction[] getFunctions( )

Returns an array with the ezcReflectionFunction objects for all internal and user-defined functions


static ezcReflectionClass[] getInterfaces( )

Returns an array with the ezcReflectionClass objects for all declared interfaces


static ezcReflectionFunction[] getInternalFunctions( )

Returns an array with the ezcReflectionFunction objects for all available internal functions


static ezcReflectionTypeFactory getReflectionTypeFactory( )

Returns a copy of the current factory used to create type objects


static ezcReflectionType getTypeByName( string $typeName )

Returns a ezcReflectionType object for the given type name

Name Type Description
$typeName string


static ezcReflectionFunction[] getUserDefinedFunctions( )

Returns an array with the ezcReflectionFunction objects for all user-defined functions


static void setDocCommentParser( ezcReflectionDocCommentParser $docParser )

Sets the documentation parser used by all ezcReflection classes

Name Type Description
$docParser ezcReflectionDocCommentParser Parser for documentation blocks


static void setReflectionTypeFactory( ezcReflectionTypeFactory $factory )

Sets the factory used to create type objects

Name Type Description
$factory ezcReflectionTypeFactory Factory for type objects
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