Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcPersistentPropertyDateTimeConverter


Class ezcPersistentPropertyDateTimeConverter

Property converter class for date/time values.

An instance of this class can be used with ezcPersistentObjectProperty in a ezcPersistentObjectDefinition to indicate, that a database date/time value (represented by a unix timestamp integer value) should be converted to a PHP DateTime object.

Source for this file: /PersistentObject/src/object/property_converters/date.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//

Method Summary

public static ezcPersistentPropertyConverter __set_state( $state )
Method for de-serialization after var_export().
public DateTime|null fromDatabase( $databaseValue )
Converts unix timestamp to DateTime instance.
public int|null toDatabase( $propertyValue )
Converts a DateTime object into a unix timestamp.



static ezcPersistentPropertyConverter __set_state( $state )

Method for de-serialization after var_export().

This methid must be implemented to allow proper de-serialization of converter objects, when they are exported using http://www.php.net/var_export.

Name Type Description
$state array
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentPropertyConverter::__set_state() Method for de-serialization after var_export().


DateTime|null fromDatabase( int|null $databaseValue )

Converts unix timestamp to DateTime instance.

This method is called right after a column value has been read from the database, given the $databaseValue. The value returned by this method is then assigned to the persistent objects property.

The given integer value $databaseValue is handled as a date/time value in unix timestamp representation. A corresponding DateTime object is returned, representing the same date/time value.

Name Type Description
$databaseValue int|null
Type Description
ezcBaseValueException if the given $databaseValue is not an integer.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentPropertyConverter::fromDatabase() Converts the database value given to the property value.


int|null toDatabase( DateTime|null $propertyValue )

Converts a DateTime object into a unix timestamp.

This method is called right before a property value is written to the database, given the $propertyValue. The value returned by this method is then written back to the database.

The method expects a DateTime object in $propertyValue and returns the date/time value represented by it as an integer value in unix timestamp format.

Name Type Description
$propertyValue DateTime|null
Type Description
ezcBaseValueException if the given $propertyValue is not an instance of DateTime.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcPersistentPropertyConverter::toDatabase() Converts the object value given back to the database value.
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