Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcMvcTemplateViewHandler


Class ezcMvcTemplateViewHandler

The view handler that uses the template component to render result objects.

Source for this file: /MvcTemplateTiein/src/viewhandlers/template.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

protected mixed $result
Contains the result after process() has been called.
protected array(mixed) $variables = array()
Contains the variables that will be available in the template.
protected string $zoneName
Contains the zone name

Method Summary

public ezcMvcTemplateViewHandler __construct( $zoneName , [ $templateLocation = null] )
Creates a new view handler, where $zoneName is the name of the block and $templateLocation the location of a view template.
public string getName( )
Returns the name of the template, as set in the constructor.
public mixed getResult( )
Returns the result of the process() method.
public void process( $last )
Processes the template with the variables added by the send() method.
public void send( $name , $value )
Adds a variable to the template, which can then be used for rendering the view.



ezcMvcTemplateViewHandler __construct( string $zoneName , [string $templateLocation = null] )

Creates a new view handler, where $zoneName is the name of the block and $templateLocation the location of a view template.

Name Type Description
$zoneName string
$templateLocation string


string getName( )

Returns the name of the template, as set in the constructor.


mixed getResult( )

Returns the result of the process() method.


void process( mixed $last )

Processes the template with the variables added by the send() method.

The result of this action should be retrievable through the getResult() method.

Name Type Description
$last mixed


void send( string $name , mixed $value )

Adds a variable to the template, which can then be used for rendering the view.

Name Type Description
$name string
$value mixed
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