Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcMailMultipartReport


Class ezcMailMultipartReport

Mail part multipart/report used primarily to send delivery status notification messages.

Multipart/Report: RFC 3462 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3462 Delivery Status Notifications: RFC 3464 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3464

The subparts of this mail part are according to RFC 3462:

  1. A human readable part. The purpose of this part is to provide an easily understood description of the condition(s) that caused the report to be generated. Use the methods getReadablePart() and setReadablePart() to work with this part.
2. A machine parsable body part containing an account of the reported message handling event. The purpose of this body part is to provide a machine-readable description of the condition(s) that caused the report to be generated, along with details not present in the first body part that may be useful to human experts. Use the methods getMachinePart() and setMachinePart() to work with this part.

3. Optional. A body part containing the returned message or a portion thereof. This information may be useful to aid human experts in diagnosing problems. Use the methods getOriginalPart() and setOriginalPart() to work with this part.

Source for this file: /Mail/src/parts/multiparts/multipart_report.php

Version:   //autogen//

Inherited Constants

From ezcMailMultipart:
ezcMailMultipart::DEFAULT_NO_MIME_MESSAGE    Default message displayed to non-MIME capable email clients.


string read/write $reportType
The report type of the multipart report. Default is "delivery-status".

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcMailMultipart
protected ezcMailMultipart::$parts
From ezcMailPart
protected ezcMailPart::$properties

Method Summary

public ezcMailMultipartReport __construct( $... )
Constructs a new ezcMailMultipartReport.
public void appendPart( $part )
Appends a part to the list of parts.
public ezcMailPart getMachinePart( )
Returns the machine part of this multipart or null if there is no such part.
public ezcMailPart getOriginalPart( )
Returns the original content part of this multipart or null if there is no such part.
public array(ezcMailPart) getParts( )
Returns the mail parts associated with this multipart.
public ezcMailPart getReadablePart( )
Returns the readable part of this multipart or null if there is no such part.
public string multipartType( )
Returns "report".
public void setMachinePart( $part )
Sets the machine $part of this report multipart.
public void setOriginalPart( $part )
Sets the original content $part of this report multipart.
public void setReadablePart( $part )
Sets the readable $part of this report multipart.

Inherited Methods

From ezcMailMultipart
public ezcMailMultipart ezcMailMultipart::__construct()
Constructs a new ezcMailMultipart with the parts $parts.
public string ezcMailMultipart::generateBody()
Returns the generated body for all multipart types.
protected static string ezcMailMultipart::generateBoundary()
Returns a unique boundary string.
public abstract string ezcMailMultipart::multipartType()
Returns the type of multipart.
From ezcMailPart
public ezcMailPart ezcMailPart::__construct()
Constructs a new mail part.
public void ezcMailPart::appendExcludeHeaders()
The array $headers will be excluded when the headers are generated.
public string ezcMailPart::generate()
Returns the complete mail part including both the header and the body as a string.
public abstract string ezcMailPart::generateBody()
Returns the body of this part as a string.
public string ezcMailPart::generateHeaders()
Returns the headers set for this part as a RFC 822 string.
public mixed ezcMailPart::getHeader()
Returns the RAW value of the header $name.
protected string ezcMailPart::getHeaderCharset()
Returns the charset registered for the header $name.
public void ezcMailPart::setHeader()
Sets the header $name to the value $value and its charset to $charset.
protected void ezcMailPart::setHeaderCharset()
Sets the charset of the header $name to $value.
public void ezcMailPart::setHeaders()
Adds the headers $headers.



ezcMailMultipartReport __construct( ezcMailPart|array(ezcMailPart) $... )

Constructs a new ezcMailMultipartReport.

Name Type Description
$... ezcMailPart|array(ezcMailPart)
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcMailMultipart::__construct() Constructs a new ezcMailMultipart with the parts $parts.


void appendPart( ezcMailPart $part )

Appends a part to the list of parts.

Name Type Description
$part ezcMailPart


ezcMailPart getMachinePart( )

Returns the machine part of this multipart or null if there is no such part.


ezcMailPart getOriginalPart( )

Returns the original content part of this multipart or null if there is no such part.


array(ezcMailPart) getParts( )

Returns the mail parts associated with this multipart.


ezcMailPart getReadablePart( )

Returns the readable part of this multipart or null if there is no such part.


string multipartType( )

Returns "report".

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcMailMultipart::multipartType() Returns the type of multipart.


void setMachinePart( ezcMailPart $part )

Sets the machine $part of this report multipart.

Name Type Description
$part ezcMailPart


void setOriginalPart( ezcMailPart $part )

Sets the original content $part of this report multipart.

Name Type Description
$part ezcMailPart


void setReadablePart( ezcMailPart $part )

Sets the readable $part of this report multipart.

Name Type Description
$part ezcMailPart
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