Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcMailMboxSet


Class ezcMailMboxSet

ezcMailMboxSet is an internal class that fetches a series of mail from an mbox file.

The mbox set is constructed from a file pointer and iterates over all the messages in an mbox file.

Source for this file: /Mail/src/transports/mbox/mbox_set.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//

Method Summary

public ezcMailMboxSet __construct( $fh , $messages )
Constructs a new mbox parser set.
public array(int=>int) getMessageNumbers( )
Returns message numbers for current set.
public string getNextLine( )
Returns one line of data from the current mail in the set including the ending linebreak.
public bool hasData( )
Returns whether the set contains mails.
public bool isFinished( )
Returns true if all the data has been fetched from this set.
public bool nextMail( )
Moves the set to the next mail and returns true upon success.



ezcMailMboxSet __construct( resource(filepointer) $fh , $messages )

Constructs a new mbox parser set.

Name Type Description
$fh resource(filepointer)
$messages array(int=>int)
Type Description
ezcBaseFileIoException if $fh is not a filepointer resource.


array(int=>int) getMessageNumbers( )

Returns message numbers for current set.


string getNextLine( )

Returns one line of data from the current mail in the set including the ending linebreak.

Null is returned if there is no current mail in the set or the end of the mail is reached.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcMailParserSet::getNextLine() Returns one line of data from the current mail in the set including the ending linebreak.


bool hasData( )

Returns whether the set contains mails.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcMailParserSet::hasData() Returns true if mail data is available for parsing.


bool isFinished( )

Returns true if all the data has been fetched from this set.


bool nextMail( )

Moves the set to the next mail and returns true upon success.

False is returned if there are no more mail in the set.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcMailParserSet::nextMail() Moves the set to the next mail and returns true upon success.
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