Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcGraphSvgDriverOptions


Class ezcGraphSvgDriverOptions

Class containing the extended options for the SVG driver.

  1.    $graph = new ezcGraphPieChart();
  2.    $graph->background->color = '#FFFFFFFF';
  3.    $graph->title = 'Access statistics';
  4.    $graph->legend = false;
  6.    $graph->data['Access statistics'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
  7.        'Mozilla' => 19113,
  8.        'Explorer' => 10917,
  9.        'Opera' => 1464,
  10.        'Safari' => 652,
  11.        'Konqueror' => 474,
  12.    ) );
  14.    $graph->driver->options->templateDocument = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/template.svg';
  15.    $graph->driver->options->graphOffset = new ezcGraphCoordinate( 25, 40 );
  16.    $graph->driver->options->insertIntoGroup = 'ezcGraph';
  18.    $graph->render( 400, 200, 'tutorial_driver_svg.svg' );

Source for this file: /Graph/src/options/svg_driver.php

Version:   //autogentag//


float read/write $assumedNumericCharacterWidth
Assumed percentual average width of chars in numeric strings with the used font.
float read/write $assumedTextCharacterWidth
Assumed percentual average width of chars in non numeric strings with the used font.
string read/write $colorRendering
"The creator of SVG content might want to provide a hint to the implementation about how to make speed vs. quality tradeoffs as it performs color interpolation and compositing. The 'color-rendering' property provides a hint to the SVG user agent about how to optimize its color interpolation and compositing operations."
string read/write $encoding
Encoding of the SVG XML document
ezcGraphCoordinate read/write $graphOffset
Offset of the graph in the svg.
string read/write $idPrefix
Prefix used for the ids in SVG documents.
mixed read/write $insertIntoGroup
ID of a SVG group node to insert the graph. Only works with a custom template document.
string read/write $linkCursor
CSS value for cursor property used for linked SVG elements
string read/write $shapeRendering
"The creator of SVG content might want to provide a hint to the implementation about what tradeoffs to make as it renders vector graphics elements such as 'path' elements and basic shapes such as circles and rectangles."
string read/write $strokeLineCap
This specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.
string read/write $strokeLineJoin
This specifies the shape to be used at the edges of paths.
mixed read/write $templateDocument
Use existing SVG document as template to insert graph into. If insertIntoGroup is not set, a new group will be inserted in the svg root node.
string read/write $textRendering
"The creator of SVG content might want to provide a hint to the implementation about what tradeoffs to make as it renders text."

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcBaseOptions
protected ezcBaseOptions::$properties

Inherited Methods

From ezcGraphDriverOptions
public void ezcGraphDriverOptions::__set()
Set an option value
From ezcBaseOptions
public ezcBaseOptions ezcBaseOptions::__construct()
Construct a new options object.
public void ezcBaseOptions::merge()
Merge an array into the actual options object.
public bool ezcBaseOptions::offsetExists()
Returns if an option exists.
public mixed ezcBaseOptions::offsetGet()
Returns an option value.
public void ezcBaseOptions::offsetSet()
Set an option.
public void ezcBaseOptions::offsetUnset()
Unset an option.
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