Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDocumentWikiVisitor


Class ezcDocumentWikiVisitor

Abstract visitor base for Wiki documents represented by the parser AST.

Source for this file: /Document/src/document/wiki/visitor.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcDocumentWikiDocbookVisitor Docbook visitor for the Wiki AST.

Member Variables

protected ezcDocumentWikiDocumentNode $ast
Reference to the AST root node.
protected array $errors = array()
Aggregated minor errors during document processing.
protected array $footnoteCounter = 0
Label dependant foot note counters for footnote auto enumeration.
protected array $footnotes = array()
List with footnotes for later rendering.
protected ezcDocumentWiki $wiki
Wiki document handler

Method Summary

public void __construct( $document , $path )
Create visitor from Wiki document handler.
protected void addFootnote( $node )
Add footnote
public array getErrors( )
Return list of errors occured during visiting the document.
public ezcDocumentWikiFootnoteNode hasFootnoteTarget( $number , $node )
Check for internal footnote reference target
protected string nodeListToString( $nodes )
Node list to string
protected string nodeToString( $node )
Transform a node tree into a string
protected void preProcessAst( $node )
Pre process AST
public void triggerError( $level , $message , [ $file = null] , [ $line = null] , [ $position = null] )
Trigger visitor error
public mixed visit( $ast )
Docarate Wiki AST
protected void visitChildren( $root , $node )
Visit children
protected void visitText( $root , $node )
Visit text node



void __construct( ezcDocumentWiki $document , string $path )

Create visitor from Wiki document handler.

Name Type Description
$document ezcDocumentWiki
$path string


void addFootnote( ezcDocumentWikiNode $node )

Add footnote

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiNode


array getErrors( )

Return list of errors occured during visiting the document.

May be an empty array, if on errors occured, or a list of ezcDocumentVisitException objects.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDocumentErrorReporting::getErrors() Return list of errors occured during visiting the document.


ezcDocumentWikiFootnoteNode hasFootnoteTarget( int $number , ezcDocumentWikiNode $node )

Check for internal footnote reference target

Returns the target name, when an internal reference target exists and sets it to used, and false otherwise.

Name Type Description
$number int
$node ezcDocumentWikiNode


string nodeListToString( $nodes )

Node list to string

Extract the contents of a node list and return a single string for the array of nodes.

Name Type Description
$nodes array


string nodeToString( ezcDocumentWikiNode $node )

Transform a node tree into a string

Transform a node tree, with all its subnodes into a string by only getting the textuual contents from ezcDocumentWikiTextLineNode objects.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiNode


void preProcessAst( ezcDocumentWikiNode $node )

Pre process AST

Performs multiple preprocessing steps on the AST:

Collect all possible reference targets in the AST to know the actual destianation for references while decorating. The references are stored in an internal structure and you may request the actual link by using the getReferenceTarget() method.

Aggregate list items into lists. In Wiki there are only list items, which are aggregated to lists depending on their bullet type. The related list items are aggregated into one list.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiNode


void triggerError( int $level , string $message , [string $file = null] , [int $line = null] , [int $position = null] )

Trigger visitor error

Emit a vistitor error, and convert it to an exception depending on the error reporting settings.

Name Type Description
$level int
$message string
$file string
$line int
$position int
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDocumentErrorReporting::triggerError() Trigger parser error.


mixed visit( ezcDocumentWikiDocumentNode $ast )

Docarate Wiki AST

Visit the Wiki abstract syntax tree.

Name Type Description
$ast ezcDocumentWikiDocumentNode
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcDocumentWikiDocbookVisitor::visit() Docarate Wiki AST 


void visitChildren( $root , ezcDocumentWikiNode $node )

Visit children

Just recurse into node and visit its children, ignoring the actual node.

Name Type Description
$root DOMNode
$node ezcDocumentWikiNode


void visitText( $root , ezcDocumentWikiNode $node )

Visit text node

Name Type Description
$root DOMNode
$node ezcDocumentWikiNode
Documentation generated by phpDocumentor 1.4.3