Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDocumentWikiParser


Class ezcDocumentWikiParser

Parser for wiki documents.

Source for this file: /Document/src/document/wiki/parser.php

Version:   //autogen//

Member Variables

protected array $conversionsArray = array(
'ezcDocumentWikiEndOfFileToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiDocumentNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiTextLineToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiTextNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiWhitespaceToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiTextNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiSpecialCharsToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiTextNode',

'ezcDocumentWikiTitleToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiTitleNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiParagraphIndentationToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiBlockquoteNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiQuoteToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiBlockquoteNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiPageBreakToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiPageBreakNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiBulletListItemToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiBulletListItemNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiEnumeratedListItemToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiEnumeratedListItemNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiLiteralBlockToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiLiteralBlockNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiTableRowToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiTableRowNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiPluginToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiPluginNode',

'ezcDocumentWikiBoldToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiBoldNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiItalicToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiItalicNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiUnderlineToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiUnderlineNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiMonospaceToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiMonospaceNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiSubscriptToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiSubscriptNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiSuperscriptToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiSuperscriptNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiDeletedToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiDeletedNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiStrikeToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiDeletedNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiInlineQuoteToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiInlineQuoteNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiLineBreakToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiLineBreakNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiInlineLiteralToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiInlineLiteralNode',

'ezcDocumentWikiSeparatorToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiSeparatorNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiTableHeaderToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiTableHeaderSeparatorNode',

'ezcDocumentWikiExternalLinkToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiExternalLinkNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiInterWikiLinkToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiInterWikiLinkNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiInternalLinkToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiInternalLinkNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiLinkStartToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiLinkNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiLinkEndToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiLinkEndNode',

'ezcDocumentWikiImageStartToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiImageNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiImageEndToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiImageEndNode',

'ezcDocumentWikiFootnoteStartToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiFootnoteNode',
'ezcDocumentWikiFootnoteEndToken' => 'ezcDocumentWikiFootnoteEndNode',

Array with token node conversions.

Token to node conversions are used for tokens, which do not require any additional checking of the tokens context. This is especially useful, because the wiki tokenizer already implement a lot of this logic.

protected array $documentStack = array()
Contains a list of detected syntax elements.

At the end of a successfull parsing process this should only contain one document syntax element. During the process it may contain a list of elements, which are up to reduction.

Each element in the stack has to be an object extending from ezcDocumentRstNode, which may again contain any amount such objects. This way an abstract syntax tree is constructed.

protected bool $insideLineToken = false
Flag if we are inside a line level node
protected array $reductions = array(
'ezcDocumentWikiTextNode' => array(

Array containing simplified reduce ruleset.

We cannot express the Wiki syntax as a usual grammar using a BNF. This structure implements a pseudo grammar by assigning a number of callbacks for internal methods implementing reduction rules for a detected syntax element.

  1.   array(
  2.       ezcDocumentWikiNode::DOCUMENT => 'reduceDocument'
  3.       ...
  4.   )
protected array $shifts = array(
=> 'shiftEscapeToken',
=> 'shiftTitleToken',
=> 'shiftNewLineToken',
=> 'shiftEscapeToken',
=> 'shiftWithTokenConversion',

Array containing simplified shift ruleset.

We cannot express the Wiki syntax as a usual grammar using a BNF. With the pumping lemma for context free grammars [1] you can easily prove, that the word a^n b c^n d e^n is not a context free grammar, and this is what the title definitions are.

This structure contains an array with callbacks implementing the shift rules for all tokens. There may be multiple rules for one single token.

The callbacks itself create syntax elements and push them to the document stack. After each push the reduction callbacks will be called for the pushed elements.

The array should look like:

  1.   array(
  2.       WHITESPACE => array(
  3.           reductionMethod,
  4.           ...
  5.       ),
  6.       ...
  7.   )

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumping_lemma_for_context-free_languages

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcDocumentParser
protected ezcDocumentParser::$options
protected ezcDocumentParser::$properties

Method Summary

protected ezcDocumentWikiListNode mergeListRecursively( $lists )
Merge lists recusively.
public ezcDocumentWikiDocumentNode parse( $tokens )
Parse token stream.
protected mixed reduceBlockquoteNode( $node )
Reduce multiline blockquote nodes.
protected mixed reduceBulletListItem( $node )
Reduce bullet list items to list.
protected mixed reduceEnumeratedListItem( $node )
Reduce enumerated list items to list.
protected mixed reduceFootnoteNodes( $node )
Reduce wiki footnotes.
protected mixed reduceImageNodes( $node )
Reduce wiki image references.
protected mixed reduceLineNode( $node )
Reduce line node.
protected mixed reduceLinkNodes( $node )
Reduce wiki links.
protected mixed reduceLists( $node )
Reduce lists.
protected mixed reduceMatchingInlineMarkup( $node )
Reduce matching inline markup.
protected mixed reduceParagraph( $node )
Reduce paragraph.
protected void reduceSection( $node )
Reduce prior sections, if a new section has been found.
protected mixed reduceTableRow( $node )
Reduce table rows.
protected mixed reduceText( $node )
Reduce text nodes.
protected void reduceTitleToSection( $node )
Reduce all elements to one document node.
protected mixed shiftEscapeToken( $token , &$tokens , $tokens )
Shift escape token.
protected mixed shiftNewLineToken( $token , &$tokens , $tokens )
Shift new line token.
protected mixed shiftTitleToken( $token , &$tokens , $tokens )
Shift title token.
protected mixed shiftWithTokenConversion( $token , &$tokens , $tokens )
Shift with token conversion.

Inherited Methods

From ezcDocumentParser
public ezcDocumentParser ezcDocumentParser::__construct()
Construct new document
public array ezcDocumentParser::getErrors()
Return list of errors occured during visiting the document.
public void ezcDocumentParser::triggerError()
Trigger parser error



ezcDocumentWikiListNode mergeListRecursively( $lists )

Merge lists recusively.

Merge lists recusively

Name Type Description
$lists array


ezcDocumentWikiDocumentNode parse( $tokens )

Parse token stream.

Parse an array of ezcDocumentWikiToken objects into a wiki abstract syntax tree.

Name Type Description
$tokens array


mixed reduceBlockquoteNode( ezcDocumentWikiBlockquoteNode $node )

Reduce multiline blockquote nodes.

Reduce multline block quote nodes, which are not already closed by line endings.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiBlockquoteNode


mixed reduceBulletListItem( ezcDocumentWikiBlockLevelNode $node )

Reduce bullet list items to list.

Reduce list items to lists, and create new wrapping list nodes.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiBlockLevelNode


mixed reduceEnumeratedListItem( ezcDocumentWikiBlockLevelNode $node )

Reduce enumerated list items to list.

Reduce list items to lists, and create new wrapping list nodes.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiBlockLevelNode


mixed reduceFootnoteNodes( ezcDocumentWikiFootnoteEndNode $node )

Reduce wiki footnotes.

Reduce inline footnotes

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiFootnoteEndNode


mixed reduceImageNodes( ezcDocumentWikiImageEndNode $node )

Reduce wiki image references.

Reduce image references with all of their aggregated parameters.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiImageEndNode


mixed reduceLineNode( ezcDocumentWikiInvisibleBreakNode $node )

Reduce line node.

Line nodes are closed at the end of their respective line. The end is marked by an ezcDocumentWikiInvisibleBreakNode.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiInvisibleBreakNode


mixed reduceLinkNodes( ezcDocumentWikiLinkEndNode $node )

Reduce wiki links.

Reduce links with all of their aggregated parameters.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiLinkEndNode


mixed reduceLists( ezcDocumentWikiBlockLevelNode $node )

Reduce lists.

Stack lists with higher indentation into each other and merge multiple lists of same type and indentation.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiBlockLevelNode


mixed reduceMatchingInlineMarkup( ezcDocumentWikiMatchingInlineNode $node )

Reduce matching inline markup.

Reduction rule for inline markup which is intended to have a matching counterpart in the same block level element.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiMatchingInlineNode


mixed reduceParagraph( ezcDocumentWikiParagraphNode $node )

Reduce paragraph.

Paragraphs are reduce with all inline tokens, which have been added to the document stack before. If there are no inline nodes, the paragraph will be ommitted.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiParagraphNode


void reduceSection( ezcDocumentWikiSectionNode $node )

Reduce prior sections, if a new section has been found.

If a new section has been found all sections with a higher depth level can be closed, and all items fitting into sections may be aggregated by the respective sections as well.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiSectionNode


mixed reduceTableRow( ezcDocumentWikiTableRowNode $node )

Reduce table rows.

Reduce the nodes aagregated for one table row into table cells, and merge the table rows into table nodes.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiTableRowNode


mixed reduceText( ezcDocumentWikiTextNode $node )

Reduce text nodes.

Reduce texts into single nodes, if the prior node is also a text node. This reduces the number of AST nodes required to represent texts drastically.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiTextNode


void reduceTitleToSection( ezcDocumentWikiTitleNode $node )

Reduce all elements to one document node.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentWikiTitleNode


mixed shiftEscapeToken( ezcDocumentWikiToken $token , &$tokens , array $tokens )

Shift escape token.

Escape tokens will cause that the following token is ignored in his common meaning. The following token is converted to plain text, while the escape token will be removed.

Name Type Description
$token ezcDocumentWikiToken
$tokens array
&$tokens array


mixed shiftNewLineToken( ezcDocumentWikiToken $token , &$tokens , array $tokens )

Shift new line token.

Paragraphs are always indicated by multiple new line tokens. When detected we just shift a paragraph node, which the will be reduced with prior inline nodes.

Name Type Description
$token ezcDocumentWikiToken
$tokens array
&$tokens array


mixed shiftTitleToken( ezcDocumentWikiToken $token , &$tokens , array $tokens )

Shift title token.

Some wiki markup languages use a second title token at the end of the line instead of just a line break. In the case we are already inside a line token, just shift an invisible line break.

Name Type Description
$token ezcDocumentWikiToken
$tokens array
&$tokens array


mixed shiftWithTokenConversion( ezcDocumentWikiToken $token , &$tokens , array $tokens )

Shift with token conversion.

Token to node conversions are used for tokens, which do not require any additional checking of the tokens context. This is especially useful, because the wiki tokenizer already implement a lot of this logic.

The actual conversions are specified in the class property $conversionsArray.

Name Type Description
$token ezcDocumentWikiToken
$tokens array
&$tokens array
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