Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDocumentPdfPart


Class ezcDocumentPdfPart

Abstract base class for additional PDF parts

Parts can be new elements in a PDF page, which can hook into the rendering of the PDF page, like footers or headers.

This abstract part abse class offers a list of hooks which will be called, if an instance of this class is registered in the renderer, these hooks are:

  • hookPageCreation
  • hookPageRendering
  • hookDocumentCreation
  • hookDocumentRendering
All these hooks do nothing by default, and should be overwritten to accomplish the desired functionality.

Source for this file: /Document/src/document/pdf/part.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcDocumentPdfFooterPdfPart Basic foot class, which renders a simple page footer including information from the document.

Member Variables

protected ezcDocumentPdfDriver $driver
Reference to driver
protected ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer $renderer
Reference to main renderer
protected ezcDocumentPcssStyleInferencer $styles
Reference to style inferencer

Method Summary

public void hookDocumentCreation( $element )
Hook on document creation
public void hookDocumentRendering( )
Hook on document rendering
public void hookPageCreation( $page )
Hook on page creation
public void hookPageRendering( $page )
Hook on page rendering
public void registerContext( $renderer , $driver , $styles )
Registration function called by the renderer.



void hookDocumentCreation( $element )

Hook on document creation

Hook called when a new document is created.

Name Type Description
$element ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcDocumentPdfFooterPdfPart::hookDocumentCreation() Hook on document creation 


void hookDocumentRendering( )

Hook on document rendering

Hook called once a document is completely rendered.


void hookPageCreation( $page )

Hook on page creation

Hook called on page creation, so that certain areas might be reserved or it already may render stuff on the frshly created page.

Name Type Description
$page ezcDocumentPdfPage
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcDocumentPdfFooterPdfPart::hookPageCreation() Hook on page creation 


void hookPageRendering( $page )

Hook on page rendering

Hook called on page rendering, which means, that a page is complete, by all knowledge of the main renderer.

Name Type Description
$page ezcDocumentPdfPage


void registerContext( $renderer , ezcDocumentPdfDriver $driver , $styles )

Registration function called by the renderer.

Function called by the renderer, to set its properties, which pass the relevant state objects to the part.

Name Type Description
$renderer ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer
$driver ezcDocumentPdfDriver
$styles ezcDocumentPcssStyleInferencer
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