Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDocumentDocbookToRstConverter


Class ezcDocumentDocbookToRstConverter

Converter for docbook to Rst with a PHP callback based mechanism, for fast and easy PHP based extensible transformations.

This converter does not support the full docbook standard, but only a subset commonly used in the document component. If you need to transform documents using the full docbook you might prefer to use the ezcDocumentDocbookToRstXsltConverter with the default stylesheet from Welsh.

Source for this file: /Document/src/converters/element_visitor/docbook_rst.php

Version:   //autogen//

Member Variables

public static int $indentation
Current indentation document.
public static int $wordWrap
Maximum number of characters per line
protected array $citations = array()
Aggregated citations.
protected array $directives = array()
Aggregated directives.
protected array $footnotes = array()
Aggregated footnotes.
protected array $links = array()
Aggregated links
protected bool $skipPostDecoration = false
Flag indicating whether to skip the paragraph post processing decoration with links and foornotes. Should be disabled during visiting sub-elements like footnotes.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter
protected ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::$defaultNamespace
protected ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::$storage
protected ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::$visitorElementHandler
From ezcDocumentConverter
protected ezcDocumentConverter::$options
protected ezcDocumentConverter::$properties

Method Summary

public static string escapeRstText( $string )
Escape RST text
public static string wordWrap( $text , [ $indentation = 0] )
Wrap given text
public void __construct( [ $options = null] )
Construct converter
public int appendCitation( $citation )
Append citation
public void appendDirective( $directive )
Append directive
public int appendFootnote( $footnote )
Append footnote
public void appendLink( $link )
Append link
protected ezcDocumentDocument createDocument( $content )
Create document from structure
protected string finishDocument( $root )
Finish document
public string finishParagraph( $root )
Append all remaining links at the bottom of the last element.
protected mixed initializeDocument( )
Initialize destination document
public void setSkipPostDecoration( $flag )
Set skip post processing
protected mixed visitText( $node , $root )
Visit text node.

Inherited Methods

From ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter
public ezcDocumentDocument ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::convert()
Convert documents between two formats
protected abstract ezcDocumentDocument ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::createDocument()
Create document from structure
protected abstract mixed ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::initializeDocument()
Initialize destination document
public void ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::setElementHandler()
Set custom element handler
public mixed ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::visitChildren()
Recursively visit children of a document node.
protected void ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::visitElement()
Visit DOMElement nodes.
public mixed ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::visitNode()
Visit a single document node
protected abstract mixed ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::visitText()
Visit text node.
From ezcDocumentConverter
public ezcDocumentConverter ezcDocumentConverter::__construct()
Construct new document
public abstract ezcDocument ezcDocumentConverter::convert()
Convert documents between two formats
public array ezcDocumentConverter::getErrors()
Return list of errors occured during visiting the document.
public void ezcDocumentConverter::triggerError()
Trigger parser error



static string escapeRstText( string $string )

Escape RST text

Name Type Description
$string string


static string wordWrap( string $text , [int $indentation = 0] )

Wrap given text

Wrap the given text to the line width specified in the converter options, with an optional indentation.

Name Type Description
$text string
$indentation int


void __construct( [ezcDocumentDocbookToRstConverterOptions $options = null] )

Construct converter

Construct converter from XSLT file, which is used for the actual

Name Type Description
$options ezcDocumentDocbookToRstConverterOptions
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDocumentConverter::__construct() Construct new document


int appendCitation( string $citation )

Append citation

Append a citation to the document, which then will be visited at the end of the document processing. Returns a numeric identifier for the citation.

Name Type Description
$citation string


void appendDirective( string $directive )

Append directive

Append a directive, which are normally rendered right below the paragraph.

Name Type Description
$directive string


int appendFootnote( string $footnote )

Append footnote

Append a footnote to the document, which then will be visited at the end of the document processing. Returns a numeric identifier for the footnote.

Name Type Description
$footnote string


void appendLink( string $link )

Append link

Append link, which should be rendered below the paragraph.

Name Type Description
$link string


ezcDocumentDocument createDocument( mixed $content )

Create document from structure

Build a ezcDocumentDocument object from the structure created during the visiting process.

Name Type Description
$content mixed
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::createDocument() Create document from structure


string finishDocument( string $root )

Finish document

Append the footnotes and citations to the end of the document. The footnotes are embedded directly in the text in docbook, aggregated during the processing of the document, and displayed at the bottom of the RST document.

Name Type Description
$root string


string finishParagraph( string $root )

Append all remaining links at the bottom of the last element.

Name Type Description
$root string


mixed initializeDocument( )

Initialize destination document

Initialize the structure which the destination document could be build with. This may be an initial DOMDocument with some default elements, or a string, or something else.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::initializeDocument() Initialize destination document


void setSkipPostDecoration( bool $flag )

Set skip post processing

Flag indicating whether to skip the paragraph post processing decoration with links and foornotes. Should be disabled during visiting sub-elements like footnotes.

Name Type Description
$flag bool


mixed visitText( $node , mixed $root )

Visit text node.

Visit a text node in the source document and transform it to the destination result

Name Type Description
$node DOMText
$root mixed
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter::visitText() Visit text node.
Documentation generated by phpDocumentor 1.4.3